0 A.D 是由 WIldfire Games 开发的免费跨平台游戏,支持 Windows, Mac OS X和Linux。这个游戏的源代码基于GPLv2发布,其它素材、音乐、声音内容基于CC-BY-SA许可证发布。
0 A.d是一个实时的战略游戏,与微软的帝国时代类似。在游戏中用户可以建立文明,定义他们反对的敌人,这个游戏以公元前500年至公元500年之间为背景时间,包括了六个独特的文明和若干个多角色模式。游戏时代为公元前500年之公元500年。由Wildfire Games公司发布,该款游戏允许玩家创造或这改写西方文明的古代历史。
0 A.D. (pronounced "zero ey-dee") is a free, open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare. In short, it is a historically-based war/economy game that allows players to relive or rewrite the history of Western civilizations, focusing on the years between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. The project is highly ambitious, involving state-of-the-art 3D graphics, detailed artwork, sound, and a flexible and powerful custom-built game engine.
The game has been in development by Wildfire Games (WFG), a group of volunteer, hobbyist game developers, since 2001. The code and data are available under the GPL license, and the art, sound and documentation are available under CC-BY-SA. In short, we consider 0 A.D. an an educational celebration of game development and ancient history.
* The engine core is written in C++ for performance, but the scripting language, javascript, is what we try to write as much in as possible.
* Rendering: OpenGL with shaders
* Libraries used: OpenAL, OpenGL, Boost, Crypto++, CxxTest, DevIL, SDL, SpiderMonkey, Vorbis, wxWidgets, Xerces
* Operating Systems:
o Windows 2000, XP, 2003, XP64, Vista
o Linux
o Mac OS X
* System Requirements: 1 GHz CPU, modern graphics card (GeForce 3 at minimum), 512 MB RAM
* Tools used: Visual Studio, g++, CppDoc, COLLADA, Debugging and Profiling tools included
* OpenGL-based rendering engine with shaders
* Hierarchal skeletal animation and deformation system based on COLLADA
* Fancy animated water with refraction, reflection
* Realistic shadows
* Particle effects
* Environmental lighting effects (time of day, sunset)
* Flexible terrain renderer that uses alpha maps to seamlessly blend terrain
* Unique civilizations: In 0 A.D. each civilization will be unique in its appearance, units, structures, and technology trees.
* Citizen soldiers: There will be no standard villager unit. Instead, regular infantry and cavalry have not only military capabilities, but also economic, making them substantially more versatile than in typical RTS games.
* Unit auto-upgrading: Citizen Soldiers will gain experience and automatically gain promotions. With each rank, they become stronger, and don a unique appearance but also get gradually worse at civilian tasks.
* Units on structures and ships: Gone are the days of units disappearing into buildings and transport ships. Some garrisoned units will be visible on the battlements of structures or the decks of ships, and capable of firing on opponents at range.
* Realistic naval warfare: No more tiny ships sinking other ships with arrows. Ship gameplay will include a variety of new features in RTS games, like much larger ship sizes, ship capture, sea rams, and a modular design that allows catapults to be stationed on the decks, and units to fire from the bows.
* Choices, choices, and more choices: Technology trees branch out in a pair-based hierarchy. For example, when you are given the option of techs 1A and 1B and you choose 1A to research, 1B is no longer available. Some of the techs that are higher up on the tech ladder will require that tech 1A is done, while others will require tech 1B. This adds a level of strategy and 'randomness' to picking your techs, as availability of higher level techs will depend on your choices earlier in the game. Similar choices are available with unit formations and battle tactics.
* Provinces and territories: In some game types, the map is subdivided into provinces that must be captured and annexed into a player's territory in order to reap their valuable resources and construct forward bases in these areas. If the host wishes, a player's starting province can also be surrounded by attrition borders to reduce early rushes.
* Real world map realism: Random maps are based upon geographical regions where the civilizations of the ancient world lived. These will be generated with biome specific-to-location features that replicate the look and feel of the world as it existed 2,000 years ago: flora, fauna and terrain.