2010-12-29 13:42:07 阿炯


PC-BSD的目标是成为易于安装和使用的桌面操作系统,它基于FreeBSD。为达到此目标,它准备了一套图形化的安装程序,这将使得即便是UNIX新手也能容易地安装并使得它运行起来。PC-BSD还将装备KDE,以提供即刻可用的桌面,目前正在开发的是一套图形化的软件安装管理程序和桌面环境-Lumina,这将使得安装预 编译好的软件变得像其他流行操作系统一样方便,比在windows下还方便。

PC-BSD is a complete desktop operating system, which has been designed with the "casual" computer user in mind. It offers the stability and security that only a BSD-based operating system can bring, while at the same time providing a comfortable user experience, allowing you to get the most out of your computing time. With PC-BSD you can spend less time working to fix viruses or spyware and instead have the computer work for you.

PC-BSD is a user friendly desktop Operating System based on FreeBSD.Known widely for its stability and security in server environments, FreeBSD provides an excellent base on which to build a desktop operating system.

PC-BSD uses a host of popular open source window managers and uses a custom-tailored application installer that puts popular applications in easy reach of users.

Installing the system is simply a matter of a few clicks and a few minutes for the installation process to finish. Hardware such as video, sound, network and other devices will be auto-detected and available at the first system startup. Home users will immediately feel comfortable with PC-BSD's desktop interface, with KDE 4.x running under the hood. Software installation has also been designed to be as painless as possible, simply double-click and software will be installed.

具有与 FreeBSD相等的稳定性和速度。
使用自创的包管理系统,使得安装软体的难度大大降低,但同时亦兼容标准的 FreeBSD ports/packages系统。
在线升级系统 - 可手动或自动地下载及安装更新至阁下的操作系统,而不用自行安装包。


PC-BSD项目正在从头开始开发一个新的桌面环境,称为Lumina。Lumina基于Qt,目前正积极的进行开发,虽然它已经被包含在PC-BSD的包库中,但尚不足以日常使用。它的目标是成为一个功能完备、轻量、稳定且开放源代码,甚至可以取代PC-BSD基础安装中KDE的桌面环境。Lumina的主要开发者是Ken Moore。

基于FreeBSD 10.0版本,该版本包括了大量重要的 bug 修复,同时还有一些新的包和桌面,比如 Chromium 37.0, Cinnamon 2.2.14, Lumina 0.6.2 等等。此版本同时也包括了一个 CD 大小的 TrueOS ISO 镜像。值得关注的更新:
大量 boot-environment 和 GRUB 改进,GRUB 支持更广泛的设置;
支持安装一个特定 GPT 分区和 GPT 双向引导方面的改进;
为所有桌面工具转换到 Qt5;
修复从 GRUB 启动时使用 dtrace 的问题;
重写 Mount Tray 实用程序,改进外部媒体安装。更多更新内容请看发行说明


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2017-12-18 10:49:14 更新,目前是第 3 版。