2013-03-02 20:20:13 阿炯

antiX是快捷、轻量级、易于安装的Linux自启动运行光盘发行,它基于MEPISDebian的测试分支,面向Intel/AMD x86兼容系统。它以一套适用于老旧计算机环境MEPIS的魔力,其目标是向Linux的新手和老手提供一份轻巧但功能完整的、灵活的免费操作系统。它应运行在绝大多数计算机上--从64 MB内存但带有128 MB交换分区的PII系统到最新的高端机器,为antiX推荐的最低内存配置是128 MB RAM,而安装程序则需要至少1.2 GB的硬盘空间。也可以当作一张快速启动应急光盘来使用。

antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install linux live CD distribution based on Debian Testing for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the "antiX Magic" in an environment suitable for old computers. So don't throw away that old computer yet! The goal of antiX is to provide a light, but fully functional and flexible free operating system for both newcomers and experienced users of Linux. It should run on most computers, ranging from 64MB old PII 266 systems with pre-configured 128MB swap to the latest powerful boxes. 128MB RAM is recommended minimum for antiX. The installer needs minimum 2.2GB hard disk size. antiX can also be used as a fast-booting rescue cd.

该发行版有四个版本:Full, Base, Core 和 Net,前两个包括图形环境,而 Core 和 Net 提供最小的命令行界面。关于更多信息可以参考本站内的antiX-FAQ中文版

* 基于Debian
* 不包含systemd
* 用eudev替代了udev
* 快速
* 资源需求少
* 灵活
* 可安装至硬盘
* 在加密的存储介质上通过持久性和重新生成来设置和运行Live系统
* 可简化地安装
* 基于Debian的Sid(开发环境)构建


antiX-full (c800MB) - 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite.
antix-full (c800MB) - 4个Windows管理器-ICEWM(默认)、FluxBox、JWM和Herbstluftwm 外加完整的libreoffice套件。

antiX-base (c620MB) - 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.
antix-base (C620MB) - 4个Windows管理器-ICEWM(默认)、FluxBox、JWM和Herbstluftwm。

antiX-core (c310MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.
antix-core (C310MB) – 不含X视窗,但支持大多数无线设备。

antiX-net (c150MB) – no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.
antix-net (c150MB) – 不含X视窗。仅有的让你连接网络(有线)的驱动。

* eudev
* Customised 4.10.5 kernel with fbcondecor splash
* libreoffice
* firefox-esr
* claws-mail
* systemd-free cups for printing
* xmms -for audio
* gnome-mpv – for playing video
* smtube – play youtube videos without a using a browser
* streamlight-antix – stream videos with very low RAM usage.
* evince pdf reader
* adobe-flashplugin
* arc-theme

* spacefm
* rox-filer

* winff
* asunder

* ceni – default
* wicd – turned off by default. Use F4 at the live boot menu and choose wicd to turn it on.
* gnome-ppp – if you are still on dial-up

* geany
* leafpad
* Midnight Commander
* vim-tiny
* nano

* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools

* bootrepair
* codecs installer
* broadcom-manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers

* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There's nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* xf86-video-sis-antix – added since it is not in Debian jessie
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* package-installer – install applications easily and safely
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application

* Editors: nano and vim
* Newsreader: newsbeuter
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Radio: pmrp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: mps-youtube
* Audio ripper: abcde
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Writer: Wordgrinder

* cli-aptiX – command line synaptics
* live-kernel-updater – update kernel when running live
* lxkeymap – gui to set system localisation
* fskbsetting – gui to set live localisation
* backlight-brightness – usefull tool for laptops
* antiX-cli-cc – command line control centre

repo-manager - 从MX Linux移植 - gui轻松设置默认存储库。
antix-viewer - 从mx-viewer移植 - 非常简单的查看器显示URL
live-usb-maker-gui-antix - 从MX Linux作为前端移植到antiX live-usb制造商应用程序。

* BitJam
* Dave
* dolphin_oracle
* SamK
* skidoo
* Translators at antiX Launchpad
* rokytnji, masinick, dark-D, rust collector, eugen-b, skidoo, peregrine, jdmeaux1952, spaceman, jerry, fatmac, balloon, chrispop99, Shay, kmathern, Paul and others I may have forgotten for testing, contributing to antiX and promoting antiX as widely as possible.
* SamK for, JWM conguration files, droopy, Connectshares, streamlight, wingrid, ssh-conduit, 1-to-1_assistance, 1-1_voice.
* Adrian for many MX Linux tools that we de-branded for use on antiX such as iso-snapshot, bootrepair, broadcom-manager, codecs, packageinstaller (which replaces meta-package installer)
* SliTaz for mountbox.
* Maato for volumeicon
* Michael Deelwater for burniso.
* for
* tradetaxfree for zram script.
* for
* hakerdefo for pmrp
* kexolino for the wallpaper Wooden as well as Consuming_the_light_side and pier
* linux-bbq for cool scripts (discover them)!
* angband devs for some systemd-free debs

* antiX Community
* MX Linux Community
* Debian team and volunteers.
* All software developers.

所有的用户,测试人员,建议者等等在antiX和MX Linux论坛的朋友们。



该版本基于Debian 8.5 (Jessie),采用 4.4.10 LTS 内核版本,以下是本次发布常用软件更新:
libreoffice 4.3.3-2
firefox-esr 45.2.0
claws-mail 3.13.0
xmms -for audio
gnome-mplayer - for playing video
smtube 16.3.0 - play youtube videos without a using a browser
streamlight-antix - stream videos with very low RAM usage.
eudev is available in the antiX dev repo.

antiX-17.1(Heather Heyer)发布
这主要是通过新的Meltdown/Spectre补丁内核和一些新的应用程序让用户享受,修复了Spectre和Meltdown CPU bug。建议升级antiX-17。与往常一样,antiX为32位和64位架构提供以下完全无systemd的功能。32位版本使用非pae内核。
所有软件包升级到Debian 9.4、elogind现在包含在全面和基础口味中
xf86-video-sisimedia-antix - sis图形的最新版本
repo-manager - 从MX Linux移植 - gui轻松设置默认存储库
antix-viewer - 从mx-viewer移植 - 非常简单的查看器显示URL
live-usb-maker-gui-antix - 从MX Linux作为前端移植到antiX live-usb制造商应用程序。

这是 17.2 的升级修复版本,包括新的含有修复 L1TF/Foreshadow 和 Meltdown/Spectre 漏洞的补丁内核,各种错误修复,更新的翻译和一些升级包。
针对 L1TF/Foreshadow 和 Meltdown/Spectre 漏洞的 4.9.146 新版本内核
所有软件包升级到 Debian 9.6
LUKS 加密选项
Firefox-esr 升级到 60.4 (Quantum)
移除 pulseaudio 和 pavaucontrol
newsboat 取代 newsbeuter
F2 live boot 菜单新增多种语言,更多细节请查看其发布公告

antiX-17.4 是 17.3 的升级修复版本,包括新的含有修复 L1TF/Foreshadow 和 Meltdown/Spectre/CVE-2019-8912 漏洞的补丁内核,各种错误修复,更新的翻译和一些升级包。针对 L1TF/Foreshadow、Meltdown/Spectre 和 CVE-2019-8912 exploits 的 4.9.160 的新版本内核
所有软件包升级到 Debian 9.8
firefox-esr 升级到 60.5.1 (Quantum)
更一致的 icon/主题
包含了 Tomb 文件加密应用,更多细节请查看项目的发布公告

2022年10月下旬发布的新版本 antiX 22 替换并重构了许多软件包,以避免对 Debian 的 systemd 软件包的依赖。主要是针对上一个版本(antiX-21)的更新,因此更新幅度并不大。
基于 Debian 11 (Bullseye)
定制的 4.9.0-326 内核
最新的 IceWM 3
最新的 firefox-esr 102.3
seamonkey 2.53.14
mps-youtube 已被删除
Sakis3G 取代了 modem-manager (gui)
elogind、libpam-elogind 和 libelogind0 也被移除。取而代之的是,使用 seatd 和 consolekit
许多 Debian 上游的核心软件包已经被重建,以移除对 libsystemd0/libelogind0 的硬依赖,这些软件包包括:apt、cups、dbus、gvfs、openssh、policykit-1、procps、pulseaudio、rpcbind、rsyslog、samba、sane-backends、udisks2、util-linux、webkit2gtk 和 xorg-server。

正在使用 antiX-21 的用户只需通过 apt 或 synaptic 升级即可,更多详情可查看此处

该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2023-05-11 12:52:36 更新,目前是第 2 版。