2019-08-13 09:54:10 阿炯

IceWM是由Marko Maček于1997年开发的,用于X窗口系统的堆叠式窗口管理器,为 GNU/Linux 及 BSD 设计的轻量级桌面环境。它对CPU和内存的占用比较小,并且带有主题支持,可以模仿Windows、OS/2、Motif和其它图形用户界面。IceWM意在提升感观和体验,同时兼顾了轻量和可定制性。作为一个在 X 上的轻量级桌面环境(窗口管理器),其优点是较快的运行速度与较低的资源占用。使用C++编写并在LGPL许可证的条款发布。

IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System. The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way. It comes with a taskbar with pager, global and per-window keybindings and a dynamic menu system. Application windows can be managed by keyboard and mouse. Windows can be iconified to the taskbar, to the tray, to the desktop or be made hidden. They are controllable by a quick switch window (Alt+Tab) and in a window list. A handful of configurable focus models are menu-selectable. Setups with multiple monitors are supported by RandR and Xinerama. IceWM is very configurable, themable and well documented. It includes an optional external background wallpaper manager with transparency support, a simple session manager and a system tray.



Easy to use, simple and fast
Standards compliant
Fully usable with keyboard
Alt+Tab window switching
Efficient resource usage
Task bar (optional)
Multiple workspaces
Fully documented
A large number of themes
Usable with GNOME and KDE environments
Menus are automatically redefined when configuration changes
Sound support
Multiple focus modes
Manual placement of windows option
Autoraising of windows option
Configurable keybindings

IceWM被用于Absolute Linux和轻量版VectorLinux的默认窗口管理器。华硕Eee PC的简单模式桌面使用IceWM。

用于树莓派1、2、3的openSUSE使用IceWM为默认轻量用户界面,用于树莓派3的SUSE Linux Enterprise服务器同样使用IceWM。

IceWM 3.4 版本于2023年6月上旬发布,新功能主要是改进键绑定的方式:支持键绑定到移位键、文字 Latin-1 字符,并支持键绑定中的所有 UTF-8 代码点。还支持重新解析键盘布局更改、手册页更新和各种其他修复的键绑定。
