2014-01-10 16:34:58 阿炯

4Pane 是一个 Linux 下的四列文件管理器,其设计目的性能优于界面效果,除了常规的文件管理操作外,还支持撤销和重做功能,支持压缩文档的处理,可批量处理文件重命名和复制,提供一个终端模拟器等一些用户友好的工具。采用C/C++开发并在GPL协议下授权。

4Pane is a multi-pane, detailed-list file manager for Linux. It is designed to be fully-featured without bloat, and aims for speed rather than visual effects. In addition to standard file manager things, it offers multiple undo and redo of most operations (including deletions), archive management including 'virtual browsing' inside archives, multiple renaming/duplication of files, a terminal emulator and user-defined tools.

可在内容更新时自动更新面板的显示内容,支持安装和浏览 sshfs 数据。
