2014-09-25 14:45:44 阿炯

autodie - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope

autodie模块默认会对一系列Perl内置的函数(用于处理文件、文件句柄、进程间通信和套接字等)自动进行监控异常,也可以自行指定需要监控autodie操作符。从Perl 5.10开始,为人称道的autodie编译指令已经成为标准库的一部分,来处理特定逻辑块中的常见异常,常与Try::Tiny配合使用。

use autodie;
open my $fh,'<',$filename; # 仍旧会在错误发生时调用die函数

use autodie qw(open system :socket);

use 5.010;
use autodie;
use Try::Tiny;
try {
 open my $fh,'>',$filename; # 发生错误时自动调用die函数
catch {
 when('open'){say 'Got an open error'} # 错误的默认变量$_


use feature qw(switch say);
use Data::Dumper;

eval {
 use autodie;
 open(my $fh, '<', $some_file);
 my @records = <$fh>;
 # Do things with @records...
say Dumper($@);

given ($@) {
 when (undef)   { say "No error";                    }
 when ('open')  { say "Error from open";           }
 when (':io')   { say "Non-open, IO error.";         }
 when (':all')  { say "All other autodie errors."    }
 default        { say "Not an autodie error at all." }

The autodie pragma provides a convenient way to replace functions that normally return false on failure with equivalents that throw an exception on failure.


The autodie pragma has lexical scope, meaning that functions and subroutines altered with autodie will only change their behaviour until the end of the enclosing block, file, or eval.


Exceptions produced by the autodie pragma are members of the autodie::exception class. The preferred way to work with these exceptions under Perl 5.10.

使用autodie编译指示产生的异常会存入autodie::exception类中,在在Perl 5.10中处理这些异常是首选方法。

Autodie uses a simple set of categories to group together similar built-ins. Requesting a category type (starting with a colon) will enable autodie for all built-ins beneath that category. For example, requesting :file will enable autodie for close, fcntl, fileno, open and sysopen.



A plain use autodie implies use autodie qw(:default) . Note that system and exec are not enabled by default. system requires the optional IPC::System::Simple module to be installed, and enabling system or exec will invalidate their exotic forms.


'use autodie qw(:all)'将会它所有内置函数的错误处理模式。


The system built-in is considered to have failed in the following circumstances:

The command does not start.
The command is killed by a signal.
The command returns a non-zero exit value (but see below).


autodie uses the IPC::System::Simple module to change system.

If you really need to use the exotic form, you can call CORE::system or CORE::exec instead, or use no autodie qw(system exec) before calling the exotic form.


