Perl Try Catch处理模块之Try::Tiny
2014-09-24 15:45:21 阿炯

Try::Tiny - minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@



You can use Try::Tiny's try and catch to expect and handle exceptional conditions, avoiding quirks in Perl and common mistakes.

 die "foo";
 warn "caught error: $_"; # not $@

 die "foo";

If the try block dies, it returns the value of the last statement executed in the catch block, if there is one. Otherwise, it returns undef in scalar context or the empty list in list context.


The following examples all assign "bar" to $x:
use v5.10;
use Try::Tiny;
use Data::Dumper;

my $x;
#$x = try { die "foo" } catch { "bar" };
#try { die "foo" } catch { $x="bar" };
#try { die "foo" } || { $x="bar" };
#(try { die "foo" }) // { $x="bar" };
#try { die 'foo' } finally { $x = 'bar' };
#try { die 'foo' } catch { warn "Got a die: $_" } finally { $x = 'bar' };
#$x = eval { die "foo" } || "bar";

say Dumper($x);

finally blocks are always executed making them suitable for cleanup code which cannot be handled using local. You can add as many finally blocks to a given try block as you like.



try     { ... }
catch   { ... }
finally { ... };

try     { ... }
finally { ... };

try     { ... }
finally { ... }
catch   { ... };

You must always do your own error handling in the finally block. Try::Tiny will not do anything about handling possible errors coming from code located in these blocks.
try {
} catch {
 # ...code run in case of error
} finally {
 if (@_) {
  print "The try block died with: @_\n";
 } else {
  print "The try block ran without error.\n";

When you run an eval block and it succeeds, $@ will be cleared, potentially clobbering an error that is currently being caught.

This causes action at a distance, clearing previous errors your caller may have not yet handled.$@ must be properly localized before invoking eval in order to avoid this issue.

For this reason try will actually set $@ to its previous value (the one available before entering the try block) in the beginning of the eval block.

