2015-05-14 16:30:10 阿炯

This article describes the facilities provided for Perl file handling.(本文描述Perl提供文件处理方法。)

Opening files

Opening a file in perl in straightforward(直接使用open函数来打开文件):
open FILE, "filename.txt" or die $!;

The command above will associate the FILE filehandle with the file filename.txt. You can use the filehandle to read from the file. If the file doesn't exist - or you cannot read it for any other reason - then the script will die with the appropriate error message stored in the $! variable.

What if you wanted to modify the file instead of just reading from it? Then you'd have to specify the appropriate mode using the three-argument form of open.


从Perl 5.6开始,已有了解决这种问题的办法,就是以三个参数形式open。而且从现在开始,就应该养成使用这种形式的习惯。

open my ($fh) , '<', $write_file  or die ....;
open my ($fh),'>>',$append_file or die ... ;
print "$file1 and $file2 differ"  if $diff;


The available modes are the following:
mode     operand     create     truncate
read     <         x    x
write     >     ✓     ✓
append     >>     ✓     x

Each of the above modes can also be prefixed with the + character to allow for simultaneous reading and writing.

mode     operand     create     truncate
read/write     +<         x    x
read/write     +>     ✓     ✓
read/append     +>>     ✓    x


<     READ
+<     READ, WRITE

MODE    Definition
< or r    Read Only Access
> or w    Creates, Writes, and Truncates
>> or a    Writes, Appends, and Creates
+< or r+    Reads and Writes
+> or w+    Reads, Writes, Creates, and Truncates
+>> or a+    Reads, Writes, Appends, and Creates


O_RDWR     Read and Write
O_RDONLY     Read Only
O_WRONLY     Write Only
O_CREAT     Create the file
O_APPEND     Append the file
O_TRUNC     Truncate the file
O_EXCL     Stops if file already exists
O_NONBLOCK     Non-Blocking usability

Notice, how both +< and +> open the file in read/write mode but the latter also creates the file if it doesn't exist or truncates (deletes) an existing file. So, if you wanted to open a file for writing, creating it if it doesn't exist and truncating it first if does, you'd do the following:
注意,如何+< +>以读/写模式打开文件,但后者会创建文件,如果不存在或者将现有文件(删除)。所以,如果你想要打开一个文件进行写操作,如果它不存在则创建它,存在就清空它,参考如下操作:

open FILE, ">", "filename.txt" or die $!

This operation might fail if for example you don't have the appropriate permissions. In this case $! will be set appropriately.

The mode and the filename in the three-argument form can be combined, so the above can also be written as:
open FILE, ">filename.txt" or die $!;

As you might have guessed already if you just want read access you can skip the mode just as we did in the very first example above.

Reading files

If you want to read a text file line-by-line then you can do it as such:
my @lines = <FILE>;

The <FILE> operator - where FILE is a previously opened filehandle - returns all the unread lines of the text file in list context or a single line in scalar context. Hence, if you had a particularly large file and you wanted to conserve memory you could process it line by line:
while (<FILE>) { print $_; }

The $_ variable is automatically set for you to the contents of the current line. If you wish you may name your line variable instead:
$ _变量自动设置为当前行中的内容,如果希望是其它名字变量:
while (my $line = <FILE>)

will set the $line variable to the contents of the current line. The newline character at the end of the line is not removed automatically. If you wish to remove it you can use the chomp command. After all lines have been read the <FILE> operator will return a false value hence causing the loop to terminate.

There may cases where you need to read a file only a few characters at a time instead of line-by-line. This may be the case for binary data. To do just that you can use the read command.
open FILE, "picture.jpg" or die $!;
binmode FILE;
my ($buf, $data, $n);
while (($n = read FILE, $data, 4) != 0) { print "$n bytes read\n"; $buf .= $data; }

There is a lot going on here so let's take it step by step. In the first line of the above code fragment a file is opened. As you can guess from the filename it is a binary file. Binary files need to treated differently than text files on some operating systems (eg, Windows). The reason is that on these platforms a newline "character" is actually represented within text files by the two character sequence \cM\cJ (that's control-M, control-J). When reading the text file Perl will convert the \cM\cJ sequence into a single \n newline characted. The converse also holds when writing files. Clearly, when reading binary data this behavior is undesired and calling binmode on the filehandle will make sure that this conversion is avoided.

有很多事情让我们一步一步地做,在上面的代码片段第一行将文件打开。你可以从文件名估测它是否为二进制文件,它在某些操作系统(例如,Windows)上需要与文本文件区别对待。原因是在这些平台上一个换行符“字符”实际上是代表在两个文本文件的字符序列\cM\cJ(control-M,control-J),当在读该文本文件时,Perl将\cM\cJ序列转换成单个\ n换行,同时还在写文件。显然,以此种方式这种读取二进制文件数据是不被鼓励的,但调用binmode文件句柄来确保这种转换,是可以避免上述问题的。

my $filename = 'freeoa.txt';
if (open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename)) {
while (my $row = <$fh>) {
chomp $row;
print "$row\n";
} else {
warn "Could not open file '$filename' $!";

The read command takes either 3 or 4 arguments. The 3-argument form is:

while the 4-argument form is:

In the first case LENGTH characters of data are read in the variable specified by SCALAR from FILEHANDLE. The return value of read is the number of characters actually read, 0 at the end of the file or undef in the case of an error. Returning to our example above the third line of code will read at most 4 characters of data into the $data variable. The number of characters read will be stored in $n. Successive read operations on the same filehandle will set the current file position to be just before the first unread character. Thus the code above will read the contents of the file picture.jpg and store them in $buf, printing the number of characters read at every iteration.


If OFFSET is specified then the characters read will be placed at that position within the SCALAR. Taking advantage of this we could rewrite the loop above as such:

my ($data, $n, $offset);
while (($n = read FILE, $data, 4, $offset) != 0) {
 print "$n bytes read\n"; $offset += $n;

Even though the example above demonstrates binary reading the read command works just as well on text files - just make sure to use (for binary) or not use (for text) binmode accordingly.

Writing files

Now that you know how to open and read files learning how to write to them is straighforward. Take a look at the following code:
open FILE, ">file.txt" or die $!;
print FILE $str;
close FILE;

Not much is new here. The only thing to observe is the two-argument use of print, the first argument being the FILEHANDLE to write to and the second an expression to be written. The expression can be anything: a scalar, a list, a hash, etc. Appending to a file can be accomplished in exactly the same manner - apart from specifying the appropriate (>>) mode of course.

说到这里,唯一的要注意的事就是print的双参数的使用:第一个参数被写入的文件句柄和第二个要写入表达式内容。该表达式可以是任何东西:一个标量,一个列表,一个散列等,追加到一个文件可以以完全相同的方式来完成——除了指定其它的(> >)的模式。

Note that write is not the opposite of read. Unfortunately. (很遗憾的是,write并不是read的反向使用。)

Instead write is used to write formatted records to file, a subject outside the scope of this article.

Closing files

Once you are done reading and writing you should close any open filehandles. (一旦你在完成读或写文件后,应该将所打开的文件句柄关闭。)
open FILE1, "file.txt" or die $!;
open FILE2, "picture.jpg" or die $!;
close FILE2;
close FILE1;

If you forget to close a filehandle Perl will do it for you before your script exists but it is good practice to close yourself what you have opened.

The close command may also fail returning false, eg, if you try to close a closed filehandle. If you want to catch these errors you can check the return value of close and the approriate error message stored in $! as is done in the following example:

close FILE or die $!

Summary of perl file handling(关于perl文件处理的总结)

The open, close, print and read commands will allow you to perform most common file operations. However, much more is possible. Apart from opening files you may open pipes to other commands using the | mode and read from them or write to them using the techniques described. This and more in an article to come.





if(open(MYFILE, "myfile")){
    # here is what to do if the file opened successfully


读:open(文件句柄,"<文件名")、open(文件句柄,"文件名")   前提文件必须已经存在,否则会返回0,出错信息在$!中。


语句:$line = <MYFILE>;从文件中读取一行数据存储到简单变量line中并把文件指针向后移动一行。
语句:@array = <MYFILE>;把文件的全部内容读入数组@array,文件的每一行(含回车换行符)为@array的一个元素。



get current seekpointer on a filehandle
length = tell(FILE);


tell -


seek 设置文件的当前位置,当一个文件非常大时可以从指定位置读起。如果记录的长度已知,函数seek可用于查找文件中的任何记录。







open (FILEHANDLE,"<file.txt") or die "can not open file.txt";
seek FILEHANDLE,12,0;

seek - reposition file pointer for random-access I/O


例如:seek(FILE,  5*length, 0)


seek -


0):代表文件开头的位置。即重新开始,类似先close $fileh,然后再open $fileh的效果。

4sshd proces
5the keyword here
6the big fan
8end here?
9perl seektell.

use v5.20;
        my $pos=tell(TEST);
        my $kwd_line = $_;
        say "Ins:Pos:$pos";
        my $line_1 = <TEST>;
        my $line_2 = <TEST>;
        my $line_3 = <TEST>;
        #say $pos;
        say "$kwd_line $line_1 $line_2 $line_3";
        unless($line_1){say " __End Of File1__"; last;}
        unless($line_2){say " __End Of File2__"; last;}
        unless($line_3){say " __End Of File3__"; last;}
    my $pos=tell(TEST);
    print "Out:$pos:$_";
close (TEST);

Out:41:4sshd proces
5the keyword here
 6the big fan
 8end here?

Out:59:5the keyword here
Out:72:6the big fan
Out:89:8end here
Out:105:9perl seektell.



use v5.20;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);

my ($fn)=('trun.ex3.txt');
my $fs=(stat($fn))[7];
say "File:$fn Orig-Size:$fs";

my $rx=truncate $fn,100;

say Dumper($rx);

    say "File:$fn New-Size:$fs";


Perl File Handle Open, Read, and Write File Examples(Perl 使用文件句柄来读写文件的示例)

1. Typical Way of Opening a Perl File Handlers(Perl打开一个文件句柄处理的典型方式)

The perl example below opens a file with a bareword. This is a typical perl file open scenario.(在下面的示例perl bareword打开一个文件。这是一个典型的perl文件打开的场景。)
open FH,"</tmp/msg";

Read Operation with Bareword file handle:(使用Bareword文件句柄读操作)
open FH,"</tmp/msg";
$line  = <FH>;
print $line;

Write Operation with the Bareword file handle:(使用Bareword文件句柄写操作)
open FH,">/tmp/msg";
print FH "Perl - Practical Extraction Report Language\n";

If you want to pass this handler to a perl function, you would use typeglob as shown below.(如果你想要将这个文件句柄传递给函数处理,可使用typeglob如下所示。)
open FH,"</tmp/msg";
sub read_text{
 local *FH = shift;
 my @lines;
 @lines = <FH>;
 print @lines;

2. Opening a Perl File Handle reference in Normal Scalar Variable(引用在正常标量变量来打开一个Perl文件句柄)

You can use a scalar variables to store the file handle reference as shown below.(你可以用一个标量变量来存储文件句柄引用,如下所示。)

# $log_fh declared to store the file handle.
my $log_fh;
open $log_fh,"</tmp/msg";

sub read_text{
 local $log_fh = shift;
 my @lines;
 @lines = <$log_fh>;
 print @lines;

3. Use Perl IO::File to Open a File Handle(使用IO::File模块来打开文件句柄)

IO::File is a perl standard CPAN module which is used for opening a file handle in other colourful conventions.(IO::File文件是一个标准的CPAN模块,用于极为方便打开一个文件句柄供使用。)

use IO::File;
$read_fh = IO::File->new("/tmp/msg",'r');
sub read_text{
 local $read_fh = shift;
 my @lines;
 @lines = <$read_fh>;
 print @lines;

Following perl code snippet explains perl write operation with IO::File module.(下面的perl代码片段解释了用IO::文件模块来写操作。)
$write_fh = IO::File->new("/tmp/msg",'w');

To open the file handler in append mode, do the following.(以下步骤是在append模式打开文件进行处理。)
$fh = IO::File->new("/tmp/msg",O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);

4. Open Perl File Handler in Both Read and Write mode(以读写模式打开Perl文件处理。)

When you want to open both in read and write mode, Perl allows you to do it. The below perl mode symbols are used to open the file handle in respective modes.(当你想以读写模式打开文件时,Perl允许你这样做,下面的符号是perl可使用的模式打开文件句柄。)

File Open Codes
Entities    Definition
< or r    Read Only Access
> or w    Creates, Writes, and Truncates
>> or a    Writes, Appends, and Creates
+< or r+    Reads and Writes
+> or w+    Reads, Writes, Creates, and Truncates
+>> or a+    Reads, Writes, Appends, and Creates

Let us write an example perl program to open a sample text file in both read and write mode.(让我们写一个示例的perl程序以读写模式来打开一个示例文本文件。)
$ cat /tmp/text

The below code reads first line from the /tmp/text file and immediately does the write operation.(下面的代码从/ tmp /text中读取第一行并立即执行写操作。)

sub read_line{
 local *FH = shift;
 my $lines;
 $line = <FH>;
 print $line;

sub write_line{
 local *FH = shift;
 print FH @_;


The output of the above code is shown below.(上述代码的输出结果。)

$ perl ./

$ cat /tmp/text

5. Open the Standard Input and Standard Output(打开标准的I/O)

Perl allows you to open the standard input and standard output with other file handle names.(Perl允许您用其它名字来打开标准输入和标准输出文件句柄。)

Perl standard output example:(Perl标准输出示例)
print OUT "STDOUT opened with the name as OUT";

Perl standard input example:(Perl标准输入示例)
print "STDIN opened with the name as IN";
$input = <IN>;

6. Use sysopen() to Open the File(使用sysopen()来打开文件)

sysopen() function requires three arguments such as file handle, filename and mode.(sysopen()函数需要三个参数,如文件句柄,文件名和模式。)

Read Operation Example:(读操作示例)
$line = <FH>;
print $line;

Write Operation Example :(写操作示例)
print FH "write operation";

Different types of modes are shown in the table below.(不同类型的模式如下表所示。)

Note : You would need to have the habit of validating opened file handlers. The most common way of handling the file handler open failure with the die function is shown below.
open(FH,">/tmp/text") or die "Could not open /tmp/text file : $!\n";

If the above code is unable to open the file “/tmp/text”, it returns failure, and die gets executed. And the “$!” Buildin variable contains the reason for open function failure.
如果上面的代码无法打开文件“/ tmp/text”,它返回失败,die函数将得到执行,和“$!“内置的变量将包含open函数失效的原因。

7. convert a string to a file handle in perl(perl中使用字符串作为文件句柄来使用)

Open a reference to a string:
use v5.12;
use autodie;

my $foo = "abc\ndef\n";
open my $fh, "<", \$foo;
while (<$fh>) {
  print "line $.: $_";

use OO-style then use IO::String package.

use v5.12;
use IO::String;
my $s="dfasdfasdfafd....\nabc";
my $io = IO::String->new($s);
while (my $line = $io->getline()) {
   print $line;
print "\nTHE END\n";
# write new line
$io->print("\nappend new line");

# back to the start
$io->seek(0, 0);

while ($io->sysread(my $line, 512)) {
   print $line;


Perl Cookbook ch08_24 中有对将字符串作为文件句柄来使用的说明,原文如下:

1. Problem
You have data in string, but would like to treat it as a file. For example, you have a subroutine that expects a filehandle as an argument, but you would like that subroutine to work directly on the data in your string instead. Additionally, you don't want to write the data to a temporary file.

2. Solution
Use the scalar I/O in Perl v5.8:
open($fh, "+<", \$string); # read and write contents of $string

3. Discussion
Perl's I/O layers include support for input and output from a scalar. When you read a record with <$fh>, you are reading the next line from $string. When you write a record with print, you change $string. You can pass $fh to a function that expects a filehandle, and that subroutine need never know that it's really working with data in a string.

Perl respects the various access modes in open for strings, so you can specify that the strings be opened as read-only, with truncation, in append mode, and so on:
open($fh, "<", \$string); # read only
open($fh, ">", \$string); # write only, discard original contents
open($fh, "+>", \$string); # read and write, discard original contents
open($fh, "+<", \$string); # read and write, preserve original contents

These handles behave in all respects like regular filehandles, so all I/O functions work, such as seek, truncate, sysread, and friends.

Windows 10 CMD 窗口下,默认编码为CP936(GBK)
use v5.20;
use Encode;
#enc-cn same as gbk
binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(gbk)');
my ($text,$cnt) = ('炯' x 100,0);  #encoded
if(open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', \$text){
    while (read $fh, my $chr, 1){
        my $enc = $chr; #decoded
        #utf8::encode($enc) if utf8::is_utf8($enc);
        encode("gbk",$enc) if utf8::is_utf8($enc); #Same as gbk
        print $enc,'(',$cnt++,');';

use v5.20;
use Encode;
binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(euc-cn)');
my ($text,$cnt) = ('Perl象C一样强大,象Awk、Sed等脚本描述语言一样方便。是一种折衷但流行的脚本语言,它借用了C语言与Shell脚本语言和许多其他地方的语法和命令。广泛的命令和功能以及添加扩展的能力使其非常适合快速原型设计、系统实用程序、软件工具、系统管理任务、数据库访问、网络和Web编程等任务。' ,0);
if(open my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', \$text){
    while (my $chr=getc($fh)){
        my $enc = $chr;    #decoded
        encode("euc-cn",$enc) if utf8::is_utf8($enc);
        print $enc,'-',$cnt++,';';

#sysread() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at ...
use v5.20;
use Encode;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
#use open qw/:std :utf8/;
binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(euc-cn)');

It using the read(2). It bypasses buffered IO, so mixing this with other kinds of reads, print, write, seek, tell, or eof can cause confusion because the perlio or stdio layers usually buffers data.

Note that if the filehandle has been marked as :utf8 Unicode characters are read instead of bytes (the LENGTH, OFFSET, and the return value of sysread() are in Unicode characters).


It using write(2). It bypasses buffered IO, so mixing this with reads (other than sysread()), print, write, seek, tell, or eof may cause confusion because the perlio and stdio layers usually buffer data. Returns the number of bytes actually written, or undef if there was an error (in this case the errno variable $! is also set).

WARNING: If the filehandle is marked :utf8 , Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8 are written instead of bytes, and the LENGTH, OFFSET, and return value of syswrite() are in (UTF8-encoded Unicode) characters. The :encoding(...) layer implicitly introduces the :utf8 layer. Alternately, if the handle is not marked with an encoding but you attempt to write characters with code points over 255, raises an exception. See binmode, open, and the open pragma, open.


Sets FILEHANDLE's system position in bytes using lseek(2). FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle.

Note the in bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example by using the :encoding(utf8) I/O layer), tell() will return byte offsets, not character offsets (because implementing that would render sysseek() unacceptably slow).

sysseek() bypasses normal buffered IO, so mixing it with reads other than sysread (for example <> or read()) print, write, seek, tell, or eof may cause confusion.




sysopen is a thin wrapper around the open(2) kernel system call (the arguments correspond directly), whereas open is a higher-level wrapper which enables you to do redirections, piping, etc.



sysread() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at ...


在2015年的时候就有人问起这个问题了:UTF-8 and systemIO are not friends anymore





open CONFG, '<:encoding(UTF-8)','dino';
encoding(UTF-8) 和只写:utf8的区别,简写方式不会考虑输入或输出数据是否真的是合法的utf-8字符串。 使用encoding()的形式,还能指定其他类型的编码。我们可以通过下面的命令打印出所有Perl能理解和处理的字符编码清单:
perl -MEncode -le "print for Encode->encodings(':all')"

open BEDROCK,'>:crlf', $file_name;


open BEDROCK,'<:crlf', $file_name


use autodie;


select LOG;
$|=1 ; #不要将LOG的内容保留在缓冲区
select STDOUT;
print LOG "This gets written to the LOG at once!\n";

从perl 5.6 开始,我们已经可以把文件句柄放到标量变量中,而不必非得使用裸字。别看这点差别,带来的好处可不少。 成为标量变量之后,文件句柄就可以作为子程序的参数传递,或者放在数组,哈希中排序。不过很多时候我们写的都是应急的短小脚本,用裸字更快捷,没必要使用变量存储文件句柄。习惯变量名后面添上_sh表示这是用来保存文件句柄的变量:
open my $rock_fh , '<' , 'freeoa.txt';

Read file as var(读入文件存入到标量变量中)
sub slurp{
 my $file = shift;
 local *F;
 open F, "< $file" or die "Error opening '$file' for read: $!";
 if(not wantarray){
  local $/ = undef;
  my $string = <F>;
  close F;
  return $string;
 local $/ = "";
 my @a = <F>;
 close F;
 return @a;

Read the contents into an array(读入文件存入到数组变量中)
Each row will be stored in an array element(每一行作为一个数组元素)

open FILE, "<file.txt";
@lines = <FILE>;

Read the contents into a scalar(将文件内容载入到标量中)

The whole file is stored in a single scalar variable. To do this, the special variable $/ should have an undefined value when reading the file.

Here's one way to do it:
open FILE, "<file.txt";
$file_contents = do { local $/; <FILE> };

Just reading from a file
open my $io, "<-" or die "NO STDIN: $!" ;
while (<$io>) { ... }
close $io;


Subroutine to open a file for reading and read it.(来打开一个文件用于读入的函数。)
sub read_file{
 my ($f ) = @_;
 open F, "< $f" or die "Can't open $f : $!";
 my @f = <F>;
 close F;
 return wantarray ? @f : \@f;

Subroutine to open a file for writing and write into it.(来打开一个文件用于写入的函数。)
sub write_file{
 my ($f, @data ) = @_;
 @data = () unless @data;
 open F, "> $f" or die "Can't open $f : $!";
 print F @data;
 close F;

Directory-based operations(目录的操作)

Load all files in a directory into the @files array(将所有的目录中的文件载入到@files数组中)

my $dirToRead = "/usr/bin";
opendir(DIR, $dirToRead) or die "can't open dir $dirToRead: $!";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
# build a unsorted list from the @files array:
foreach $file (@files) {
 next if ($file eq "." or $file eq "..");
 print $file ;


my $dirToRead = "/usr/bin" ;

opendir(MYDIR, $dirToRead) or die "can't open dir $dirToRead: $!" ;
#my @dirContents = grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir(MYDIR)) ;
my @dirContents = grep {!/^\.\.?$/ && /p$/} readdir(MYDIR) ;

print "Files in $dirToRead:\n";
foreach my $file (@dirContents){
 next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/ ;  # another way to skip . and ..
 print "$file \n" if -T "$dirToRead/$file" ; # if the file is a {T}ext file.
closedir(MYDIR) ;


use DirHandle ;
sub plainFiles {
 my $dir = shift;
 my $dh = DirHandle->new($dir)  or die "can't opendir $dir: $!" ;
 return sort # sort pathnames
  grep {   -f      }  # chose only "plain" files
  map  { "$dir/$_" } # create full paths
  grep {  !/^\./   } # filter out dot files
  $dh->read(); # read all entries

Fcntl module


use Fcntl; # Import standard fcntl.h constants.
use Fcntl ":flock"; # Import LOCK_* constants.
use Fcntl ":seek";# Import SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END.
use Fcntl ":mode"; # Import S_* stat checking constants.
use Fcntl ":Fcompat"; # Import F* constants.

O_ Flags includes in Fcntl module

Value    Definition
O_RDWR    Read and Write
O_RDONLY    Read Only
O_WRONLY    Write Only
O_CREAT    Create the file
O_APPEND    Append the file
O_TRUNC    Truncate the file
O_EXCL    Stops if file already exists
O_NONBLOCK    Non-Blocking usability




perl file read

Where are your fseek(), fwrite() and ftruncate() functions defined? Perl doesn't have those functions. You should be using seek(), print() (or syswrite()) and truncate(). We can't really help you if you're using functions that we know nothing about. You also don't need (and probably don't want) that explicit call to unlock the file or the call to close the file. The filehandle will be closed and unlocked as soon as your $file variable goes out of scope.

# Rewind from the end of the file until count eol's
seek FILE,0, 2; #go to EOF
seek FILE,-2048,2; #get last 2k bytes

# example for files with max line lengths < 400, but it's adjustable usage tailz filename numberoflines
use v5.20;
die "Usage: $0 file numlines\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
my ($filename, $numlines) = @ARGV;
my $chunk = 400 * $numlines; #assume a <= 400 char line(generous)

# Open the file in read mode
open FILE, "<$filename" or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!";
my $filesize = -s FILE;
if($chunk >= $filesize){$chunk = $filesize}

seek FILE,-$chunk,2; #get last chunk of bytes
my @tail = <FILE>;
if($numlines >= $#tail +1){$numlines = $#tail +1}
splice @tail, 0, @tail - $numlines;

print "@tail\n";

my ($filesize,$modified,$created) = (stat(_))[7,9,10];

seek $f, 0, 2;  # seek to the end of the file

perldoc -f read:

read( $fh, $top, $offset);

your $offset is actually a length. Decide how many characters you need to read. read does not respect line-endings, it reads the number of bytes specified.

If you want to read a line, then don't use read, use:
seek($fh, $offset, 0);
$top = <$fh>;

perl split delimiter from file line by line

Your loop while(<FILE>){ ... } reads a single line at a time from the file handle and puts it into $_.

my @record = split(/\|/, $_) splits that line on pipe characters |, so since the first line is "a|30|40\n", @record will now be 'a', '30', "40\n". The newline read from the file remains, and you should use chomp to remove it if you don't want it there.

my @data = map { chomp; [ split /\|/ ] } <$fh>;

trying to create a 2d array, whereby each element contains all the pipe delimited items from each line of your input:
my @record;
    my @split = split(/\|/);
    push @record, [@split];
print "@{$record[0]}\n";

How to read or parse binary file

The good news though is parsing binary data with Perl is easy using the unpack function.Open normally, then call binmode:
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die;
binmode $fh;

Or set the :raw layer during the open call.
open my $fh, '<:raw', $filename or die;


On Windows systems these both change the filehandle to be in binary mode. On Unix, Linux, and OSX the binmode call or the :raw layer have no effect as those are the default anyway.

1). Open a binary filehandle

Start things off right by opening a filehandle to binary file:
use autodie;
open my $fh, '<:raw', '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York';

This is a suitably Modern Perlish beginning. I start by importing autodie which ensures the code will die if any function call fails. This avoids repetitive ... or die "IO failed" type coding constructs.

Next I use the :raw IO layer to open a filehandle to a binary file. This will avoid newline translation issues. No need for binmode here. The file I'm opening is a history of New York timezone changes, from the tz database.

2). Read a few bytes

All binary files have a specific format that they follow. In the case of the zoneinfo files, the first 44 bytes/octets are the header, so I'll grab that:
use autodie;
open my $fh, '<:raw', '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York';

my $bytes_read = read $fh, my $bytes, 44;
die 'Got $bytes_read but expected 44' unless $bytes_read == 44;

Here I use read to read in 44 bytes of data into the variable $bytes. The read function returns the number of bytes read; it's good practice to check this as read may not return the expected number of bytes if it reaches the end of the file. In this case, if the file ends before the header does, we know we've got bad data and bail out.

3). Unpack bytes into variables

Now comes the fun part. I've got to split out the data in $bytes into separate Perl variables. The tzfile man page defines the header format:
Timezone information files begin with the magic characters "TZif" to identify them as timezone information files, followed by a character identifying the version of the file's format (as of 2005, either an ASCII NUL ('\0') or a '2') followed by fifteen bytes containing zeros reserved for future use, followed by six four-byte values of type long

Tzfile manual

The unpack function takes a template of the binary data to read (this is defined in the pack documentation) and returns Perl variables. I'm going to match up the header description with the template codes to design the template.
Description     Example     Type     Length     Template Code
Magic chars     TZif     String     4     a4
Version     2     String     1     a
Reserved     0     Ignore     15     x15
Numbers     244     Long     1     N N N N N N

The header begins with the magic chars "TZif", this is 4 bytes. The template code a4 matches this. Next is the version, this is a single ASCII character matched by a (the strings are not space or null terminated, I could have use A instead). The next 15 bytes are reserved and can be ignored, so I use x15 to skip over them. Finally there are 6 numbers of type long. Each one is separate variable so I must write N 6 times instead of N6.

use autodie;
open my $fh, '<:raw', '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York';

my $bytes_read = read $fh, my $bytes, 44;
die 'Got $bytes_read but expected 44' unless $bytes_read == 44;

my ($magic, $version, @numbers) = unpack 'a4 a x15 N N N N N N', $bytes;

This code passes my template to unpack and it returns the variables we asked for. Now they're in Perl variables, the hard part is done. In the case of a tzfile, the header defines the length of the body of the file, so I can use these variables to calculate how much more data to read from the file.

If you're interested in how to parse the rest of a tzfile, check out the source code of my module Time::Tzfile.


Sometimes you'll unpack some binary data and get garbage. This happens when the template passed to unpack doesn't match the binary data. The first thing you can do is print the binary data to the terminal with hexdump. Here are the first 44 bytes of the New York tzfile:
$ hexdump -c -n 44 /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York
0000000   T   Z   i   f   2  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0
0000010  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0 005  \0  \0  \0 005  \0  \0  \0  \0
0000020  \0  \0  \0 354  \0  \0  \0 005  \0  \0  \0 024

This gives you a chance to inspect the data byte by byte and see if it matches your template. To create a template to match binary data, take it one value at a time. Consider the type of value you're trying to match. Get the right bit length and for numbers, be sure to know if it is signed or unsigned.

The other thing to be aware of is endianness of the data. Often man pages will say a variable is in "standard" or "network" order. This means big endian. Tzfiles have several 32 bit signed integers in big endian order. There is no unpack template code which matches that type. To match it I need to use l>. The l matches signed 32 bit integers and the > is a modifier which tells Perl the value is big endian.

Between Perl's built-in template types and the modifiers, you can match any binary data.




Perl IO系列文件操作模块概览
