2010-08-14 23:40:34 阿炯

Drizzle,一个精简版的MySQL分支,在目前的MySQL代码基本之上,将存储过程、视图、触发器、查询缓存、PREPARE语句等等没什么必要的功能从代码中删掉,简化对数据类型和存储引擎的支持,并且进行大胆的重构。最终要实现的目的是将MySQL的代码大大简化,理顺MySQL的架构,改善 MySQL的代码质量,提高系统的稳定性和性能。将更适合Web应用、云计算组件、没有业务逻辑(存储过程)的数据库、多核架构等业务。

* 基于MySQL 6.0的源码树
* 无附加库
* 微内核设计
* 可插拔架构,适用于视图、存储过程、UDF、存储引擎等
* 跨多个节点的Sharding技术
* 智能代理
* 多CPU/多核CPU
* 优化的字段类型
* 高效的内存使用
* 没有内部ACL,使用LDAP/PAM
* 没有数据库数据格式化
* 整理有序的Make系统
* 缺省存储引擎为InnoDB
* 移除Windows兼容性

Drizzle is a Free Software/Open Source database management system (DBMS) that was forked from version 6.0 of the MySQL DBMS.

Like MySQL, Drizzle has a client/server architecture and uses SQL as its primary command language. Drizzle is distributed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License.

Drizzle is targeted at the web-infrastructure and cloud computing markets. The developers of the product describe it as a "smaller, slimmer and (hopefully) faster version of MySQL".

Platforms and interfaces
Drizzle is written in the C++ programming language, and stores its string data in an UTF-8 format. It is being developed for modern Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris – in general, any OS that conforms to POSIX and has a working implementation of the GNU Autotools. Microsoft Windows is not supported at this time, but there has been discussion of how to accomplish this in a sensible manner.


Drizzle is a stripped down version of MySQL v6.0 and as such is planned to have many common MySQL features stripped out such as;
* stored procedures
* query cache
* prepared statements
* views
* triggers
* grants
* some non-pluggable storage engines

In their stead Drizzle is adding;
* micro kernel architecture, making Drizzle more modular than MySQL
* more pluggable interfaces, such as for authentication and for logging
* multi-core optimization (compared to MySQL's potentially lacking multi-core optimization)
* fewer data types
* fewer engines
* less code making for a smaller and potentially more maintainable codebase

Although less of a functional feature and more of a developmental feature, the Drizzle project is being built to remove distinctions between internal and external contributors, allowing for cleaner community involvement.

Support and licensing
Drizzle is licensed under version two of the GPL, with some parts, such as libdrizzle, under the BSD license. While users can download and play with the code, an officially supported version has yet to be released by the developers, and third party support is also unlikely to materialize until an official release of Drizzle is made.

该版本修复了 Ctrl+Z 的关闭问题,更新了 JSON 服务器,改进对 Catalog 的支持,更新了 ZeroMQ 和 Gearman 的支持,更新 AUTH_HTTP 认证模块,更新了文档,更新了测试框架等。


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2014-11-04 11:46:51 更新,目前是第 3 版。