DRBD Management Console
2010-10-05 20:43:38 阿炯

DRBD Management Console 是一个用来简化管理基于 DRBD 和 Heartbeat/OpenAIS 以及 Pacemaker 的集群系统。它无需在被管理的节点上安装任何代理或者是客户端程序,而是采用 SSH 方式直接连接,它用图形的方式概述了显示网卡和块设备的DRBD状态信息。

The DRBD Management Console is a Java® application that eases the burden of managing your DRBD and Pacemaker/Corosync or Heartbeat based cluster systems.

LINBIT® makes the DRBD® Management Console available under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.This software uses the following libraries:
* JUNG, which is released under the terms of the BSD License
* Trilead SSH for Java, released under a BSD style License
* colt, released partly under a CERN permissive license and the LGPL
* bcel, released under the terms of the Apache License
* commons, released under the terms of the Apache License
* muse, released under the terms of the Apache License
* xalan, released under the terms of the Apache License
* xml, released under the terms of the Apache License

1. The Heartbeat config form has now all the important options.
2. Virtual manager works with Xen.
3. The Pacemaker init script is used if appropriate.
4. Zooming and scrolling was improved.
5. DRBD MC generates drbd.d/ style config.
6. A DRBD common section is generated as well.
7. Support for Squeeze was added.
8. The whole application has been translated to Japanese


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2014-10-14 14:35:36 更新,目前是第 3 版。