2011-03-15 09:41:46 阿炯

SMPlayer是一款Linux下的视频播放工具,支持播放视频文件、DVD、VCD等。SMPlayer 是一个带有 YouTube 支持的跨平台媒体播放器,采用Qt开发在GPLv2协议下授权。原本仅支持 Windows 和 Linux,随着 SMPlayer 21.8.0 版本的推出,现已支持 macOS。

SMPlayer intends to be a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more.

One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume...


* Configurable subtitles. You can choose font and size, and even colors for the subtitles.
* Audio track switching. You can choose the audio track you want to listen. Works with avi and mkv. And of course with DVDs.
* Seeking by mouse wheel. You can use your mouse wheel to go forward or backward in the video.
* Video equalizer, allows you to adjust the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation and gamma of the video image.
* Multiple speed playback. You can play at 2X, 4X... and even in slow motion.
* Filters. Several filters are available: deinterlace, postprocessing, denoise... and even a karaoke filter (voice removal).
* Audio and subtitles delay adjustment. Allows you to sync audio and subtitles.
* Advanced options, such as selecting a demuxer or video & audio codecs.
* Playlist. Allows you to enqueue several files to be played one after each other. Autorepeat and shuffle supported too.
* Preferences dialog. You can easily configure every option of SMPlayer by using a nice preferences dialog.
* Possibility to search automatically for subtitles in opensubtitles.org.
* Translations: currently SMPlayer is translated into more than 20 languages, including Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese....
* It's multiplatform. Binaries available for Windows and Linux.
* SMPlayer is under the GPL license.

支持非保护的蓝光播放;改进全屏控制;修复 Windows 下烦人的字体扫描问题;新的音频均衡器预设;更好的支持 Youtube;修复了很多 bug。

2021年8月中旬已经有了适用于 macOS 的版本;
修复加载 YouTube 播放列表的问题;
增加一个选项,将视频旋转 180 度;
修正 mpv 的音频 CD 播放;

安装 YouTube 支持现在是可选项;
使用 Qt 5.15.2;

在播放过程中在 Wayland 上禁用省电功能;
将 KDE 从 *.desktop 文件的类别中移除;
SMPlayer 现在也有 appimage、flatpak 和 snap 的版本;

