2010-11-22 13:17:34 阿炯

Sinthgunt 是一个 ffmpeg 的图形界面程序,总所周知,ffmpeg 是一个被广泛使用的多媒体处理工具,但它是基于命令行的,其众多的命令参数使很多人望而却步,有了 Sinthgunt 你就可以很方便的使用 ffmpeg 进行多媒体的处理。

Sinthgunt is an open source graphical user interface for ffmpeg, a computer program that can convert digital audio and video into numerous formats. Using pre-configured conversion settings, it makes the task of converting between different media formates very easy.

* Sinthgunt is an easy to use gui for ffmpeg
* It has more than 100 pre-configured conversion settings
* It automatically detects which presets are supported by your version of ffmpeg
* It is easy to extend, since the conversion settings are stored in a xml file
* Sinthgunt is purely open source, written in Python and licensed under GNU GPLv3

该版本可直接从 YouTube, Metacafe, Google Video, Photobucket, and Yahoo! Video 下载视频;增加对 ffmpeg 的功能检测。


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2014-01-02 13:48:54 更新,目前是第 2 版。