2011-04-21 14:58:04 阿炯

cmus是一个小的和快速的文本模式的音乐播放器,可以运行在 Linux 以及其他类 UNIX 系统。

cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.


* Input: Ogg Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Musepack, WavPack, WAV, AAC, MP4, and everything supported by ffmpeg (WMA, APE, MKA, TTA, SHN, ...) and libmodplug
* Output: PulseAudio, ALSA, OSS, RoarAudio, libao, aRts, Sun, and WaveOut (Windows)

* Gapless playback
* ReplayGain support
* MP3 and Ogg streaming (SHOUTcast/Icecast)
* Powerful playlist filters / live filtering
* Play queue
* Optional playback resume on startup

* Instant startup, even with thousands of tracks
* Easy to use directory browser
* Customizable colors
* Dynamic keybindings. You can bind a key to any command, :seek +1m for example
* Vi / less style search mode
* Vi style command mode with tab completion

* Excellent compilations handling
* Uses Unicode internally for all string handling
* Can run external commands for the currently selected files (tag-editor for example)
* Can be controlled via UNIX socket using cmus-remote command
* Known to work on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Cygwin

1. 即时过滤
2. 类似 mutt 的短过滤
3. resume
4. 更智能的字符串处理
5. 长格式化选项
6. 支持 HTTP 代理
7. 回放时更低的CPU占用率
8. 虚拟的 RoarAudio 输出插件
9. 支持 big-endian 系统等


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2012-11-18 10:30:51 更新,目前是第 2 版。