Vyatta是一份完整的、即刻可用的、基于Debian的发行,它被设计为能将一套标准的x86硬件转换为企业级的路由器/防火墙。Vyatta软 件包括对常用网络接口、工业标准路由协议和管理协议的支持。与先前的开源软件路由项目不同,所有的这些特性都可以通过单个的命令行接口(CLI)或是基于web的图形用户界面来配置。Vyatta软件可以以自由社区版本获得,它也以捆绑软件订购的形式提供,这包含了维护、升级和技术支持。
Vyatta manufactures an open source router/firewall/VPN product for Internet Protocol networks (IPv4 and IPv6). A free download of Vyatta has been available since March 2006. The system is a specialized Debian-based Linux distribution with networking applications such as Quagga, OpenVPN, and many others. A standardized management console, similar to Juniper JUNOS or Cisco IOS, in addition to a web-based GUI and traditional Linux system commands, provides configuration of the system and applications.
Vyatta is also delivered as virtual machines to offer virtual networking (vrouter, vfirewall, VPN) functionality for Xen, VMware, Hyper-V and Amazon EC2 virtual and cloud computing environments.
Commercial engagements are available via integrated hardware appliances and a subscription-based business model which includes software updates, technical support, and training. Vyatta also offers a series of professional services and consulting engagements. This business model is also known as Open core.
The Vyatta system is intended as a replacement for Cisco IOS 1800 through ASR 1000 series Integrated Services Routers (ISR) and ASA 5500 security appliances, with a strong emphasis on the cost and flexibility inherent in an open source, Linux-based system running on commodity x86 hardware or in Xen or VMware virtual environments. Vyatta also provides a Cisco Replacement Guide on its website which shows various Cisco products and the comparable Vyatta/x86 solutions.
The free community Vyatta Core software(VC) is an award-winning open source network operating system providing advanced IPv4 and IPv6 routing, stateful firewalling, IPSec and SSL OpenVPN, intrusion prevention, and more. When you add Vyatta to a standard x86 hardware system, you can create an enterprise grade network appliance that easily scales from DSL to 10Gbps. Vyatta is also optimized to run in VMware, Citrix XenServer, Xen, KVM, and other hypervisors, providing networking and security services to virtual machines and cloud computing environments. Vyatta has been downloaded over 600,000 times, has a community of hundreds of thousands of registered users and counts dozens of fortune 500 businesses among its commercial customers.
自Vyatta开源后,所有的开源系统都打包到Core中,Vyatta Core替换了之前的Vyatta Community Edition(社区版),另外还有一个版本叫Subscription Editions(订阅版本),这个版本顾名思义收费的商业版。订阅版本包括远程访问API和简化的VPN客户端管理。还包括 一个可选的Vyatta Plus VyattaGuard Web过滤功能。这个版本包括全方位的支持和bug修正,一年服务费747美金起,另外Vyatta Plus每年是$205。
相比IPCop,eBOX,SmoothWall,ClearOS等开源网关产品,Vyatta Core在性能设计上更加出色,包括路由协议,防火墙的包处理效率,这款产品是典型的网关产品,可以说很多性能指标超越Cisco的同类产品。
* BGP/OSPF/ RIP routing
* Stateful Firewall
* IPv4 / IPv6 routing & security
* Intrusion Prevention
* Web Filtering
* WAN Load Balancing
* QoS
* Virtual Firewall
新的版本支持2层云桥接允许网络物理分开,相互之间联接他们的单独互联网,其它更改包括支持链路层发现协议(LLDP),质量服务 (QoS) 和其它各种各样的企业安全功能,例如入侵检测。
更多详细关于版本发布,包括所有新的功能,Vyatta Core 目前提供下载,仅160 MB LiveCD ISO镜像以及文档,Vyatta Core基于GPL许可证发布。