2010-10-11 14:29:39 阿炯

Tiki是一款优秀的 Groupware/CMS 解决方案,Tiki有以下您需要的特征:Wiki、论坛、博客、新闻、图片、地图、链接、多语言支持、Bug跟踪。

Tiki has been actively developed since 2002, making it a very mature open source Wiki-CMS-Groupware solution. More than 200 people have contributed source code to the Tiki project. This makes Tiki one of the largest open source teams in the world.

Tiki is one of the most feature-rich Wiki/CMS/Groupware packages in the world. As far as we know, Tiki is the Open Source Web Application with more built-in features than any other application. If we are wrong, let us know.

Unlike other projects that have only a small set of "core" features and rely on third-party extensions, Tiki uses an all-in-one model that incorporates nearly every feature into the main code base. This design ensures that upgrades are easy; because everything is released together, there is no fear that an enhancement or fix to one feature will break another.

This tight integration of all features also means that you can easily re-use content in different areas. For example, because Tiki's wiki syntax is incorporated in all content features you can use wiki plugins in a forum thread, a blog post, nearly anywhere else!

No matter what feature your site needs, Tiki probably has it:

Wiki pages
RSS Syndication
Calendars and Events
Database Tracking System
File and Image Galleries
User and Group Management
Surveys, Quizes, and Polls

这是一个长期支持的版本,增加 MySQL 全文搜索和 ElasticSearch 支持,完全集成 CKEditor 4.2 包括对 wiki 页面的即时编辑,提供一个安装向导。


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2014-01-02 15:42:35 更新,目前是第 5 版。