2010-10-08 09:02:56 阿炯

Gallery是一款用PHP开发的基于Web的相片管理系统,Gallery 非常易于使用,包括一个配置向导,对于相片的操作包括自动生成缩略图、相片的大小改变、选择、排序等。


将不再维护该项目。在过去的几年里,核心团队因为生计已无暇顾及 Gallery 的开发,因此不得已做此决定。此外项目的论坛将继续运行,以帮助那些仍有需要该项目的人。

Gallery 已经有 14 年的历史,目前的版本是 3.x,几十次的版本发布,几百个贡献者,几万行代码,几十万的论坛讨论贴和近四十万的评论。

在回答为什么不让网站保持访问和运营的时候,官方称运营网站需要花费时间、人力和物力。而且网站时不时在遭受各种攻击,已经无暇应付。Gallery 很快会让网站变成只读状态,保留论坛里的帖子和评论,但用户将无法登录。也就是让整个网站进入休眠状态。

Gallery is a collection of photo albums. You can have as many Galleries as you want on your web server. Each gallery contains as many photo albums as you want. Configuration of Gallery and administration of the photo albums is done entirely via an intuitive, web interface. You don't need special privileges on your webserver to install, configure and maintain Gallery. It's free, and we (the Gallery team) support it. Gallery works with several different image processing toolkits and is available in over 30 languages!

* Image Magick or NetPBM - pick which image manipulation package you have on your server or want to use.

* Auto Rotate Images - Gallery can look at information in pictures from digital cameras and automatically rotate them as needed.

* Image Quality and Size Defaults - You can limit the quality and size of images so that when images are uploaded, Gallery will resize them to save space.

* Main Gallery Page Settings - The configuration wizard contains all of the settings for how the main Gallery page looks and acts including showing or hiding the album tree, search engine, or album owner, and what frames to show around albums.

* Optional Binaries: zip, jhead, jpegtran - If you have these programs on your webserver, you can enable them to make gallery work better and be more flexible.

* Languages - Choose which languages you want your Gallery to support and how the user is presented with the choice.

* Email Support - Set up email support to have your Gallery email users when their accounts are created or when they forget their password, email you copies, email people when the Gallery is updated, and more!

* Gallery-wide Slideshow - enable or disable a slideshow that includes all pictures in the gallery

* Commenting - turn off or on the public commenting system and configure it.

* Logging - enable logging with syslog or the Windows logger

* RSS publishing - publish your Gallery with RSS!

* Album Defaults - set defaults for the way that all new albums will originally look



该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2014-07-05 11:31:04 更新,目前是第 2 版。