2011-02-08 11:32:16 阿炯

Raxan for PHP 是一个强大的Web应用开发框架,它使用的网络设置有关的技术能够为建设RIA,跨平台的Ajax应用程序的集成解决方案。它允许创建数据库驱动的应用程序,互动的网站建设,以提高用户体验,服务器监控,通过Ajax的连接,多语种界面端应用程序的变化等。

Raxan is a framework that is designed to accelerate PHP/Ajax web development by making it easier for developers to build and deploy rich web applications.

Over the years programmers having relied on open source technology to help them build and deliver quality solutions for their customers. Today, developers have the choice to choose a technology that best suit their needs. This is all made possible because others have so generously contributed to the open source community.

Raxan provides developers with yet another choice. It provides a set of integrated technology that's open source and readily available for both personal and commercial use.

Raxan is designed in such a way that it can either be used independent of or integrated with existing frameworks so that you can make the best use of your existing technology and investments. With Raxan, we are simply adding another player to the framework space which will lead to more choice and flexibility for developers.

The technology used behind Raxan is licensed under the open sourced MIT and GPL licenses and is based on today's web standards. This means that you have the option to modify or change the behavior of Raxan to suit your own needs.

By using a set of design patterns we were able to build a framework that's modular, extensible and easy to use. This modular structure provides developers with a consistent interface for building and distributing reusable components.


Event Driven
Designed to transparently handle client/server event bindings and communications

Page-View Pattern
Supports multiple views per page and enables a single page to handle multiple related tasks

Object Oriented
Take advantage of the latest PHP5 OOP features to create reusable, extendable and maintainable components

CSS Framework
Create themeable web pages and applications by using the CSS framework to render the design and layout
Object Oriented

Template Binder
Quickly render a list or data view by binding any PDO dataset or array to elements within a web page

Mobile Web
Supports WML/HTML and includes mobile browser detection for rendering device specific web pages

Widgets & Plugins
Create reusable components by extending the framework with custom user interface widgets and plugins

jQuery/Ajax Ready
Comes bundled with the latest jQuery libraries plus ajax file upload and client/server request features
Wudgets & Plugins

Server-Side HTML/DOM Objects
Handle server-side HTML/XML DOM traversing and manipulation using jQuery-like API synatx

Data Sanitization
Validate and sanitize user inputs before saving to database Helps to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
Server-Side HTML/DOM Objects

Cross Site Request Forgery protection
Automatically blocks and prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks by using token base submissions

Build-in support for internationalization and localization

Database Support
Supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle and other databases

Embeddable Applications
Easily integrate Raxan Ajax applications into any web page

Cross Browser Support
Supports modern web browsers including IE 6+, Opera 9+, FF 2+, Safari, and Chrome

1. The Page-View Design, Flash Message API, and CSS UI classes were renewed.
2. Server-Side HTML5 validity was implemented.
3. Plugin support was improved.
4. Support was added for widgets.
5. Asynchronous data conduits were added.
6. Lots of bugs were fixed


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2013-09-23 09:53:00 更新,目前是第 2 版。