2010-12-22 15:02:56 阿炯

Likwid 全程是 Like I knew what I am doing. 该项目通过简单的一些命令行工具来支持开发人员开发高性能和多线程的程序。

New application likwid-powermeter to measure Energy consumption on SandyBridge? (RAPL) and query turbo mode steps.
RAPL counters are also integrated into likwid-perfctr
Support for Intel Sandy Bridge
Support for AMD Interlagos
likwid-mpirun: Many improvements and initial support for mvapich2
likwid-mpirun has now integrated perfctr support
Much improved fortran interface for the marker API
Initial support for NehalemEX and WestmereEX Uncore
Better default options for likwid-pin
Lots of Bugfixes and small improvements

Likwid 包含下面工具:
It contains the following tools:
likwid-topology: Show the thread and cache topology
likwid-perfctr: Measure hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD processors
likwid-features: Show and Toggle hardware prefetch control bits on Intel Core 2 processors
likwid-pin: Pin your threaded application without touching your code (supports pthreads, Intel OpenMP and gcc OpenMP)
likwid-bench: Benchmarking framework allowing rapid prototyping of threaded assembly kernels
likwid-mpirun: Script enabling simple and flexible pinning of MPI and MPI/threaded hybrid applications
likwid-perfscope: Frontend for likwid-perfctr timeline mode. Allows live plotting of performance metrics.
likwid-powermeter: Tool for accessing RAPL counters and query Turbo mode steps on Intel processor.

Likwid stands out because:
No kernel patching, any vanilla linux 2.6 kernel works
Transparent, always clear which events are chosen, event tags have the same naming as in documentation
Lightweight, LIKWID tries to add no overhead and keeps out of your way.
Easy to use, simple to build, no need to touch your code, configurable from outside. Clear CLI interface.
Multiplatform, likwid supports Intel and AMD processors
Up to date, likwid tries to fully support new processors as soon as possible
Extensible, you can add functionality by means of simple text files

