2015-05-08 09:56:29 阿炯

Globalize 是利用官方 Unicode CLDR JSON 数据来进行国际化和本地化的 JavaScript 库。系 jQuery 官方的插件,采用MIT协议授权。

A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data

Chrome: (Current - 1) or Current
Firefox: (Current - 1) or Current
Safari: 5.1+
Opera: 12.1x, (Current - 1) or Current
IE 8 (needs ES5 polyfill), IE9+


Leverages the Unicode CLDR data and follows its UTS#35 specification.
Keeps code separate from i18n content. Doesn't host or embed any locale data in the library. Empowers developers to control the loading mechanism of their choice.
Allows developers to load as much or as little data as they need. Avoids duplicating data if using multiple i18n libraries that leverage CLDR.
Keeps code modular. Allows developers to load the i18n functionalities they need.
Runs in browsers and Node.js, consistently across all of them.
Makes globalization as easy to use as jQuery.

该插件是 jQuery 官方的插件,品质当然是有保证的。1.0 正式版本的详细介绍请看发行说明。
