Fresh IDE
2024-04-07 14:59:08 阿炯

Fresh IDE为编辑器或者称之为开发环境,较新的版本可以跨平台使用(3.0+),可以在 Windows/Linux 上工作。在 Windows 平台上,除了 exe 格式的安装包外,还有一个 zip 格式的打包好的文件;可将这个压缩包解压缩后,直接运行 Fresh.exe 就可以开始使用了。其内置了FASM汇编器,采用兼容GPL的EUPLv1.1协议授权使用。

Fresh is a visual assembly language IDE with built-in FASM assembler.

The main goal of Fresh is to make programming in assembly as fast and efficient as in other visual languages, without sacrificing the small application size and the raw power of assembly language.

Because Fresh is the logical continuation of the FASM project in the area of visual programming, it is perfectly compatible with FASM and you can use all your knowledge about FASM to program in Fresh.

Of course, you can use Fresh not only for Windows programming, but also to create programs for any OS that FASM supports - DOS, Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS, MenuetOS - the same way as you do this in FASM.

Currently, the development is shifted mainly on FreshLib, that will be the base for the next generation of Fresh IDE 3 - highly portable IDE with advanced visual editing architecture, that to provide OS independence for the developed applications.

The versions 2.x.x will still be Win32 application. (不过可以通过一些技术手段让其在Linux下运行).

Fresh IDE v3.0.0 will be freely portable for all operating systems supported by FreshLib. For now they seem to be Windows and Linux.


