2015-03-08 09:45:35 阿炯

Packet Sender 是一个开源的发送和接收TCP/UDP包的测试工具。主线分支官方支持 Windows,Mac 和 Ubuntu 桌面 Linux(开源),同时提供 Android 版本(免费),网络应用程序调试/测试必备!采用C/C++开发并在GPLv2或其它协议授权。

Packet Sender is an open source  utility to allow sending and receiving TCP and UDP packets. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. It can be used for both commercial and personal use (license). It is free for desktop (no ads/no bundleware) and $0.99 for Android. It's designed to be very easy to use while still providing enough features for power users to do what they need.

