2013-04-25 13:46:03 阿炯

Midori是一个轻量级的跨平台网页浏览器,采用C语言编写,并完全整合了GTK+ 2。Midori使用了和Safari一样的WebKit的HTML排版引擎。Midori为分页浏览器,并使用了基于OpenSearch的搜索框。

Midori is a lightweight web browser.

Native GTK+2/ GTK+3 and WebKit.
High focus on Private browsing, user scripts and customizable keyboard interface.
Adblock, form history, cookie management, RSS feed panel, external download managers (wget, SteadyFlow, FlashGet).

Requirements: GLib 2.22, GTK+ 2.16, WebkitGTK+ 1.1.17, libXML2, libsoup 2.27.90, sqlite 3.0, Vala 0.14

Native GTK+2/ GTK+3 and WebKit.
High focus on Private browsing, user scripts and customizable keyboard interface.
Adblock, form history, cookie management, RSS feed panel, external download managers (wget, SteadyFlow, FlashGet).
