HTTPS 流量监控-Hyperfox
2015-02-01 20:55:49 阿炯

Hyperfox 是一个安全的工具用来代理和记录局域网中的 HTTP 和 HTTPS 通讯。采用Go语言编写并在MIT协议下授权。

Hyperfox is a security tool for proxying and recording HTTP and HTTPs communications on a LAN.

Hyperfox 可以即时使用一个根 CA 证书和相应密钥(用户提供)来处理 SSL 证书。如果目标机器的认为该证书可信任则将可成功的解析 HTTPS 通讯记录。

Hyperfox is capable of forging SSL certificates on the fly using a root CA certificate and its corresponding key (both provided by the user). If the target machine recognizes the root CA as trusted, then HTTPs traffic can be succesfully intercepted and recorded.

Hyperfox 将捕获到的数据保存到 SQLite 数据库中用于后期的查询,并提供 Web 监控界面来浏览和下载这些数据。

