2014-01-11 13:38:25 阿炯


GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880. GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. A wealth of frontend applications and libraries are available. Version 2 of GnuPG also provides support for S/MIME.

未经加密的邮件很容易被不怀好意的偷窥者看到。如果对带有敏感信息的邮件进行加密和签名,就可以大大提高安全性。使用GNU Privacy Guard(GnuPG)就可以对邮件进行加密,当然你的邮件客户端也要提供相应的支持,如果你使用的是Mozilla Thunderbird,可以到http://enigmail.mozdev.org去下载Enigmail插件,对于Outlook客户端,也可以找到相应的插件。


Full replacement of PGP.
Does not use any patented algorithms.
GPLed, written from scratch.
Can be used as a filter program.
Full OpenPGP implementation (see RFC4880 at RFC Editor).
Better functionality than PGP and some security enhancements over PGP 2.
Decrypts and verifies PGP 5, 6 and 7 messages.
Supports ElGamal, DSA, RSA, AES, 3DES, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST5, MD5, SHA-1, RIPE-MD-160 and TIGER.
Easy implementation of new algorithms using extension modules.
The User ID is forced to be in a standard format.
Supports key and signature expiration dates.
English, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Estonian, French, German, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Portuguese), Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish language support.
Online help system.
Optional anonymous message receivers.
Integrated support for HKP keyservers (wwwkeys.pgp.net).
Clears signed patch files which can still be processed by patch.

这是一个稳定的安全修复版本,建议 GnuPG versions 1.x 的用户都赶紧升级。
