2010-10-19 09:08:42 阿炯

ttylinux 是一个只需不到10M磁盘空间的小型 GNU/Linux 发行版。可适合在 以太网、调制解调器、ISDN等设备上运行,最低要求是 486SX 以及 12M 内存。不过“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”,看看 ttylinux 为我们提供了什么?
1. 命令行界面,当然图形化界面是没有的了,或许你可以自己进行扩展。
2. 上网功能,可以通过 modem 或 ISDN 上网,然后用文本模式的 Web 浏览器查看网页。
3. SSH 客户端和服务端程序。
4. e3 文本编辑器。
5. 软件包管理器,可以通过它安装别的软件。

Pascal Schmidt created ttylinux in 2001. The distribution was command-line only and specifically supported dial-up networking, PPP and ISDN, via serial interfaces. This orientation towards hard-wire serial interfaces lends itself to the "tty" part of the ttylinux name. In 2008 Pascal began looking for a new project maintainer.

The goal this project is to make one of the smallest up-to-date Linux systems that is similar to a larger distribution.

End users may want to use ttylinux on old computers for accessing the Internet, or bootable on a USB disk for a portable system. Developers may want to use ttylinux for their embedded systems.

Douglas Jerome took over the project in November 2008 and promptly broke the dial-up networking; lacking hardware and access to dial-up networking, he is waiting for someone to take on the testing tasks of re-integrating the dial-up capabilities. No matter any moves away from the hard-wire serial interface orientation, the name ttylinux remains.

ttylinux is the smallest "normal" Linux distribution. That is all it has. If it grows too much ttylinux will lose itself.

The strategy for ttylinux to remain very small yet be similar to larger Linux systems is put into effect by a few things that make ttylinux be what ttylinux is. The following are fundamental to ttylinux; without which it would be some other project, regardless of name.

§ bash
ttylinux is a very small system with few programming resources, bash is a very capable scripting language that makes up the difference.

§ glibc
ttylinux is small enough to use in a an embedded system, but it is glibc-based, not eglibc nor uClibc. This retains capability similar to larger Linux distributions. And because ttylinux is glibc-based, a careful person can copy libraries and programs from other typical Linux distributions into a ttylinux system.

§ ramdisk
As distributed, ttylinux mounts a root file system on a RAM disk, not an initramfs; the RAM disk root file system is a true file system. Although it can be installed to run from a hard drive, and more interestingly a USB memory stick, the distributed ttylinux must be small enough to have the root file system quickly mounted on a RAM disk as a true file system.


该版本修复了使用 GCC 编译环境下的bug,在包的安装和 ttylinux pacman 做了一些改进。


该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2012-05-22 15:45:38 更新,目前是第 3 版。