2012-05-28 10:04:29 阿炯

SliTaz是一个超小型的Linux发行版。它在一张不足30MB的LiveCD上,不仅集成了Firefox、Mplayer、gFTP、pdf阅读器等众多常用的软件,还包括了Lua解释器、Geany等一些简单的开发工具。目前这个版本的SliTaz使用 openbox作为默认窗口管理器,虽然非常简单,但却很精致,还拥有阴影、透明等一些窗口特效。使用了BusyBox,一份新近的Linux内核,以及GNU软件。它以Syslinux引导,提 供超过200个Linux命令、lighttpd网页服务器、SQLite数据库、灾难恢复工具、IRC客户端、基于Dropbear的SSH客户端和服务器、 X窗口系统、JWM(Joe's Window Manager)、gFTP、Geany IDE、Mozilla Firefox、AlsaPlayer、GParted,以及一份声音文件编辑器等。SliTaz另一个比较大的优点是它拥有一个比较完善的包管理器,可以像Ubuntu那样从网络上更新软件包,这在小型Linux发行版上并不常见。它完全是从头开始构建的,因此它一款独立发行版。它可能不适合初学者,但它确实包含一些实用程序,可帮助安装必备软件,并以最小的学习曲线入门。

SliTaz is an open source and free operating system providing a fully featured desktop or server in less than 35 MB. SliTaz is simple to use, fast and stable. We have an active community and contributors from all over the world making SliTaz finer every day.

SliTaz GNU/Linux is a free operating system working completely in memory from removeable media such as a cdrom or USB key. It is light, speedy and fully installable on a hard drive. SliTaz is distributed in the form of a LiveCD that you can easily burn to a cdrom and boot from. When the system is running you can eject the LiveCD and use your CD drive for other tasks. The Live system provides a fully-featured, working graphical distro and lets you keep your data and personal settings on persistent media. The system can be extended with the Tazpkg package manager and security updates are provided for the cooking and stable versions. 

Root filesystem taking up about 100 MB and ISO image of less than 30 MB.
Ready to use Web server powered by LightTPD with CGI and PHP support.
Browse the Web with Midori or Retawq in text mode.
Sound support provided by Alsa mixer, audio player and CD ripper/encoder.
Chat, mail and FTP clients.
SSH client and server powered by Dropbear.
Database engine with SQLite.
Generate a LiveUSB device.
Tools to create, edit or burn CD or DVD images.
Elegant desktop with Openbox running on the top of Xorg/Xvesa (X server).
Homemade graphical boxes to command line utilities.
3345 packages easily installable from the mirror.
Active and friendly community.

