2010-01-30 11:38:13 阿炯
OpenBSD 很可能是世界上最安全的操作系统,在其之上的每一步开发过程都重点关注于构建一个安全、开放和免费的平台。很可能在日常工作中已经使用了从该操作系统下所移植的工具,它是一个专注于代码正确和文档准确且关注安全的操作系统,其强调可移植性、标准化、正确性、前卫安全性以及集成的密码技术。该项目还开发广为使用且受欢迎的 OpenSSH(Open Secure Shell) 软件,它利用 SSH 协议为计算机网络提供加密的通信会话。
当安全性作为最重要的考虑因素时,有必要研究使用安全远程访问方面的标准 OpenSSH 的操作系统,尽管它只是 OpenBSD 中的一部分;事实上,OpenBSD 是如此的安全,以至于在 DEF CON 竞赛中曾一度禁止使用它,在这个竞赛中,破解高手们对所有其他的系统进行攻击。OpenBSD 每隔 6 个月发布一次,每次会有插图与配套歌曲。
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 是历史最悠久和最流行的 UNIX 版本之一。现在它被分为许多不同的版本,其中有三种比较常见的开放源代码分发版:
尽管 FreeBSD 在这三种发布版中使用得最广泛,但每个版本都有其显著的优势,这使得选择正确的解决方案成为一项重要的决策。FreeBSD 是三者中最常见的系统,广泛应用于 x86 环境。当安全性成为最重要的考虑因素时,OpenBSD 则是合适的分发版。NetBSD 提供了一种小规模的、高度可移植的选择,它可以运行于各种各样的体系结构中。
OpenBSD 审核处理
审核处理可能是该分发版中一致安全性的最大因素。一组有经验的开发人员重点对进入源代码树的每段代码进行了审核。分析代码中的安全缺陷和一般性错误(它们可能并不会影响到整体功能,但可能会作为安全缺陷而被利用),对每个错误进行认真和及时的处理。这种积极主动的处理方法使得 OpenBSD 免受各种未知攻击的影响,而其他的分发版则在发现攻击后紧急对系统进行保护。
在任何强调安全性的环境中,都可以安装OpenBSD。现在大家的安全意识越来越强,计算机需要全天候连接到 Internet 上,无论是在家庭、政府或企业环境中,很少有人把安全性问题不当回事。与其他的类 UNIX 操作系统相比,OpenBSD 可能并不拥有广泛的用户基础,但是在许多网络中的最关键的地方通常都安装了该操作系统。作为 NetBSD 的近亲,OpenBSD 也可以运行于各种各样的硬件之上。
既然已经确定了 OpenBSD 是否适合于您的硬件平台,下面来更仔细地了解一下它其中的一些重要部分。
第一个值得关注的包是 OpenSSH,所有的 UNIX 和 Linux® 用户对它都很熟悉。然而许多人可能并不知道它来自于哪里,OpenSSH 最初用于 OpenBSD,后来成为标准的安全 Shell (SSH) 包,并移植到几乎所有版本的 UNIX、Linux 和 Microsoft® Windows® 操作系统。OpenSSH 包括用于安全登录的 ssh、用于安全复制的 scp 和 sftp,后者是 ftp 的安全替代方法。所有的源代码都符合开放源代码 BSD 许可,必须遵守 OpenBSD 的规程以杜绝在该分发版中出现任何专用代码和限制性许可计划(这是创建新版本的 SSH 的原动力)。OpenBSD 中所包含的每个软件部分都是完全免费的,并且在使用上没有任何限制。
因为 OpenBSD 项目是在加拿大进行的,所以其中应用的加密技术不受美国的出口限制,这使得该分发版可以充分利用各种现代的加密算法。几乎可以在该操作系统的任何地方找到 加密处理,从文件传输到文件系统,乃至网络。OpenBSD 中还包含伪随机数生成器,它可以确保无法根据系统状态预测随机数;其他的特性还包括加密哈希函数、加密转换库和加密硬件支持。另一个主要的部分是 IP 安全协议 (IPSec),该操作系统中没有依赖先天不安全的 TCP/IP Version 4(IPv4),而使用了这个协议(IPv4 选择信任所有的人和所有的事物。)IPSec 对数据包进行加密和验证以保护数据的保密性,并确保在传输过程中不会对数据包进行任何更改。随着 TCP/IP Version 6 (IPv6) 的引入,IPSec 成为标准的 Internet 协议中不可或缺的部分,这使得未来的 Internet 在缺省情况下更加安全。
因为 OpenBSD 很小并且很安全,所以其所实现的最常见目标之一是用作防火墙。防火墙从底层对大多数安全单元进行操作,并且 OpenBSD 的包过滤实现是非常优秀的。Packet Filter (PF),OpenBSD 开发社区设计的开放源代码解决方案,它是 OpenBSD 所选择的方法。与 OpenBSD 软件的其他许多部分一样,这种方法非常成功,以至于其他的 BSD 变种纷纷将其移植到自己的分发版中。OpenBSD 配置为缺省安全,所以在设置坚如磐石的防火墙时,无需关闭过多的服务。当需要启用第二个 Ethernet 接口,并根据需要配置 PF。
大多数操作系统很少在其关键组成部分中包含加密处理,这使得它们先天就缺乏安全性。导致这种缺陷的一个重要原因是,大多数的操作系统来自美国,不允许开 发人员出口健壮的加密软件。OpenBSD 中的加密哈希库包括 MD5、SHA1 和 RIPEMD160。其中的加密转换库包括 Blowfish、数据加密标准 (DES)、3DES 和 Cast。大部分加密处理都在底层进行,这样一来,用户就不用为了保护系 统安全而必须成为加密方面的专家。OpenBSD 开发团队很清楚,大多数管理员并不是安全方面的专家,并且不应该指望他们煞费周折地加强他们的环境。那些认为 OpenBSD 不是用户友好的操作系统的人,大部分是受到了误导。如果大多数管理员愿意花时间使用 OpenBSD 的缺省安全措施来替代任何其他的分发版,那么他们很可能会改变其思维方式。
随机数是确保安全性的重要组成部分。OpenBSD 内核使用中断信息创建不断变化的熵池,它可以为加密函数提供种子数据,并为事务 ID 提供数值。例如,伪随机数可用于进程 ID 和包 ID,这使得那些想要进行攻击的人很难进行欺骗。OpenBSD 甚至在 bind(2) 系统调用中使用了随机端口分配。大多数源于 UNIX 的操作系统要么创建顺序的 ID,要么使用可预测其结果的简单算法。研发团队仍在进一步广泛地研究文件系统的加密,并且在系统中所有可能的地方都对数据进行了加密。将交换分区分为一些小的区域,每个部分使用单独的密钥进行加密,以便确保不会将敏感数据泄漏到系统中不安全的部分,这是传统的基于 UNIX 或 Linux 的系统中常见的问题。如果希望对用户数据进行加密,那么可以使用 OpenBSD 中的加密文件系统 (CFS)。CFS 工作于用户级,通过网络文件系统 (NFS) 与内核进行通信。该系统允许用户透明地访问经过加密的目录,所以可以选择要对哪些数据进行加密,而不用受加密/解密过程的困扰。
OpenSSH:自由的Secure Shell协议实现
tmux:自由、安全、可维护的GNU Screen终端复用器替代
有些子系统已被其他BSD项目纳入其核心中,并且上述所有软件都可在其它类Unix系统中作为软件包获得,甚至是Microsoft Windows。再来看看基本系统中的第三方组件的改造:带计划自己的补丁的X窗口环境,用x*.tgz安装文件集安装
GCC:4.2、3.3或2.95(取决于平台),GNU C编译器,作为comp54.tgz文件集的一部分安装
Less 444:带补丁
2015年9月9日,据 OpenBSD 开发者 Mike Larkin 透露, 他在过去的几个月里一直在致力于实现一个名为“vmm”的 OpenBSD 上的原生的 hypervisor。Larkin 称他采用了一种全新的方法来实现 这个 hypervisor,而不会把它做成现有的 hypervisor 的一份子(如 bhyve、KVM 等)。基于这样的指导思想,在 hypervisor 中加进了那些他觉得重要的功能特性,包括“支持i386、影子分页技术、嵌套虚拟环境技术以及支持遗留外围设备”。重要的一点是,不打算把这做成精简版的 hypervisor。
最初的客户端操作系统支持将包括那些支持基于 virtio 设备的操作系统。等 vmm 完全开发好了,届时 OpenBSD 将附带用于运行和支撑 vmm 的工具。Larkin 说,当前 vmm 运行的目标 CPU 是i386和 amd64。硬件虚拟化支持方面,Intel 系列的 CPU(VT-x)要求支持 vmx extensions,AMD 系列的 CPU 则要求支持 svm extensions。如果i386和amd64的CPU不支持上述extensions,将使用影子分页技术来达成虚拟化。Vmm目前由vmd(8)、vmmctl(8)和vmm(4)这三部分工具组成。尽管还没有给出正式的定义,但vmm在基于其他OpenBSD工具的基础之上,应将还会包含hypervisor自身的部分,而vmd会是它的支持虚拟光驱,vmmctl将被用来控制vmm的操作。
对于x86/x64平台而言,OpenBSD 不像 Virtual Box 或 VMware 那样具备托管虚拟机的原生能力。OpenBSD 通过 QEMU 提供虚拟化功能,从 OpenBSD 5.3开始,还提供了具有逻辑域管理功能的sun4v(基于UltraSPARC)系统(这些附加的方法能在那些支持在非OpenBSD操作系统上托管运行OpenBSD,且OpenBSD是以客户端操作系统的形式出现的情况下使用)。
欧盟研究推荐使用 OpenBSD 开源操作系统
OpenBSD 将版本开发进度融入歌曲并发布
操作系统 OpenBSD 的开发者除了听歌,还很会玩的每隔 6 个月(同步版本更新节奏)选出一首与软件匹配的歌曲,并作为“主题曲”进行公布。据悉 OpenBSD 的一些开发者会从古典选集、电影或其它地方精选一些音乐,以描述该项目在过去六个月中所经历的一些进步、事件或争议。随着 OpenBSD 6.1 的发布,新的音乐也已公布 —— “Winter of 95”,并大致讲述了背后的故事。
因安全担忧,OpenBSD 将禁用英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持
因担忧更多 Spectre 变种漏洞,OpenBSD 项目宣布它计划禁用英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持。超线程是同时多线程技术的英特尔私有实现,允许处理器在 CPU 的不同核心执行并发操作。英特尔处理器从 2002 年起加入了这项功能,并默认启用,芯片巨人称它能提升性能。但现在 OpenBSD 项目的 Mark Kettenis 表示该项目正移除英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持,理由是超线程技术对更多的时序攻击打开了大门。OpenBSD 将提供关闭超线程支持的设置,因为现代机器不再在 BIOS 设置中提供关闭超线程的选项。2018年8月23日,OpenBSD 创始人 Theo de Raadt 在邮件列表上宣布,OpenBSD-current(6.4) 将正式停用英特尔处理器的超线程功能。Theo de Raadt 称,英特尔处理器最近爆出了两个硬件 Bug:TLBleed 和 T1TF(aka Foreshadow),解决这些漏洞需要更新微码,外加软件方面的权益方案,以及关闭超线程。因在两个 CPU 实例之间共享资源和缺乏安全保障,超线程在基础上就存在缺陷。他预计未来会爆出更多与超线程相关的 Bug,所以他决定在 第6.4版本中默认停用超线程,并鼓励 6.2 和 6.3 的用户在机器的 BIOS 中关闭超线程。
OpenBSD 已经成为世界上最安全的 UNIX 派生系统,并且几乎实现了所有相关的内容。其中的一些设计原则,如代码审核、加密处理的广泛使用以及仔细的配置选择,它们组合在一起可以确保实现其缺省安全的思想。尽管其一般用于安全服务器和防火墙,但广泛的硬件和软件支持使得该操作系统适用于各种各样的目的。UNIX 和 Linux 专家都会发现对 OpenBSD 中的许多部分非常熟悉,并且他们很可能会重视其中一些有意偏离的领域。
OpenBSD Security
OpenBSD believes in strong security. Our aspiration is to be NUMBER ONE in the industry for security (if we are not already there). Our open software development model permits us to take a more uncompromising view towards increased security than most vendors are able to. We can make changes the vendors would not make. Also, since OpenBSD is exported with cryptography, we are able to take cryptographic approaches towards fixing security problems.
Full Disclosure|充分展示
Like many readers of the BUGTRAQ mailing list, we believe in full disclosure of security problems. In the operating system arena, we were probably the first to embrace the concept. Many vendors, even of free software, still try to hide issues from their users.
Security information moves very fast in cracker circles. On the other hand, our experience is that coding and releasing of proper security fixes typically requires about an hour of work — very fast fix turnaround is possible. Thus we think that full disclosure helps the people who really care about security.
Audit Process|审计过程
Our security auditing team typically has between six and twelve members who continue to search for and fix new security holes. We have been auditing since the summer of 1996. The process we follow to increase security is simply a comprehensive file-by-file analysis of every critical software component. We are not so much looking for security holes, as we are looking for basic software bugs, and if years later someone discovers the problem used to be a security issue, and we fixed it because it was just a bug, well, all the better. Flaws have been found in just about every area of the system. Entire new classes of security problems have been found during our audit, and often source code which had been audited earlier needs re-auditing with these new flaws in mind. Code often gets audited multiple times, and by multiple people with different auditing skills.
Some members of our security auditing team worked for Secure Networks, the company that made the industry's premier network security scanning software package Ballista (Secure Networks got purchased by Network Associates, Ballista got renamed to Cybercop Scanner, and well...) That company did a lot of security research, and thus fit in well with the OpenBSD stance. OpenBSD passed Ballista's tests with flying colours since day 1.
我们的安全审计团队的一些成员为安全网络公司工作,该公司制造了业界首屈一指的网络安全扫描软件包Ballista(安全网络由network Associates购买,Ballista更名为Cybercop Scanner,等等…),该公司做了大量的安全研究,因此很适合OpenBSD的状态。OpenBSD从第一天就通过了Ballista的测试。
Another facet of our security auditing process is its proactiveness. In most cases we have found that the determination of exploitability is not an issue. During our ongoing auditing process we find many bugs, and endeavor to fix them even though exploitability is not proven. We fix the bug, and we move on to find other bugs to fix. We have fixed many simple and obvious careless programming errors in code and only months later discovered that the problems were in fact exploitable. (Or, more likely someone on BUGTRAQ would report that other operating systems were vulnerable to a "newly discovered problem", and then it would be discovered that OpenBSD had been fixed in a previous release). In other cases we have been saved from full exploitability of complex step-by-step attacks because we had fixed one of the intermediate steps. An example of where we managed such a success is the lpd advisory that Secure Networks put out.
New Technologies|新技术
As we audit source code, we often invent new ways of solving problems. Sometimes these ideas have been used before in some random application written somewhere, but perhaps not taken to the degree that we do.
strlcpy() and strlcat()
Memory protection purify
.rodata segment
Guard pages
Randomized malloc()
Randomized mmap()
atexit() and stdio protection
Privilege separation
Privilege revocation
Chroot jailing
New uids
... and others
The Reward|激励
Our proactive auditing process has really paid off. Statements like "This problem was fixed in OpenBSD about 6 months ago" have become commonplace in security forums like BUGTRAQ.
The most intense part of our security auditing happened immediately before the OpenBSD 2.0 release and during the 2.0→2.1 transition, over the last third of 1996 and first half of 1997. Thousands (yes, thousands) of security issues were fixed rapidly over this year-long period; bugs like the standard buffer overflows, protocol implementation weaknesses, information gathering, and filesystem races. Hence most of the security problems that we encountered were fixed before our 2.1 release, and then a far smaller number needed fixing for our 2.2 release. We do not find as many problems anymore, it is simply a case of diminishing returns. Recently the security problems we find and fix tend to be significantly more obscure or complicated. Still we will persist for a number of reasons:
Occasionally we find a simple problem we missed earlier. Doh!
Security is like an arms race; the best attackers will continue to search for more complicated exploits, so we will too.
Finding and fixing subtle flaws in complicated software is a lot of fun.
The auditing process is not over yet, and as you can see we continue to find and fix new security flaws.
"Secure by Default"|默认情况下安全
To ensure that novice users of OpenBSD do not need to become security experts overnight (a viewpoint which other vendors seem to have), we ship the operating system in a Secure by Default mode. All non-essential services are disabled. As the user/administrator becomes more familiar with the system, he will discover that he has to enable daemons and other parts of the system. During the process of learning how to enable a new service, the novice is more likely to learn of security considerations.
This is in stark contrast to the increasing number of systems that ship with NFS, mountd, web servers, and various other services enabled by default, creating instantaneous security problems for their users within minutes after their first install.
And of course, since the OpenBSD project is based in Canada, it is possible for us to integrate cryptography. For more information, read the page outlining what we have done with cryptography.
Please refer to the links at the top of this page.
Watching our Changes|观察我们的变化
Since we take a proactive stance with security, we are continually finding and fixing new security problems. Not all of these problems get widely reported because (as stated earlier) many of them are not confirmed to be exploitable; many simple bugs we fix do turn out to have security consequences we could not predict. We do not have the time resources to make these changes available in the above format.
Thus there are usually minor security fixes in the current source code beyond the previous major OpenBSD release. We make a limited guarantee that these problems are of minimal impact and unproven exploitability. If we discover that a problem definitely matters for security, patches will show up here VERY quickly.
People who are really concerned with security can do a number of things:
If you understand security issues, watch our source-changes mailing list and keep an eye out for things which appear security related. Since exploitability is not proven for many of the fixes we make, do not expect the relevant commit message to say "SECURITY FIX!". If a problem is proven and serious, a patch will be available here very shortly after.
如果您了解安全问题,请查看我们的源代码更改邮件列表,并密切关注与安全相关的内容。由于我们所做的许多修复都没有证明可利用性,所以不要期望相关的提交消息显示出“SECURITY FIX!”。如果一个问题被证明是严重的,那么很快就会有补丁。
Track our current source code tree, and teach yourself how to do a complete system build from time to time (read /usr/src/Makefile carefully). Users can make the assumption that the current source tree always has stronger security than the previous release. However, building your own system from source code is not trivial; it is over 850MB of source code, and problems do occur as we transition between major releases.
Install a binary snapshot for your architecture, which are made available fairly often. For instance, an amd64 snapshot is typically made available daily.
Reporting problems|报告问题
If you find a new security problem, you can mail it to deraadt\
If you wish to PGP encode it (but please only do so if privacy is very urgent, since it is inconvenient) use this pgp key.
Further Reading|深入阅读
Numerous papers have been written by OpenBSD team members, many dedicated to security.
Securelevel is a security mechanism in *BSD kernels, which can optionally restrict certain capabilities. Securelevel is controlled by a sysctl variable kern.securelevel. This value is an integer, which set to a value > 0 enables certain class of restrictions. Any superuser process can raise securelevel, but only init process (and not even that on FreeBSD) can lower it.
When used with FreeBSD jails, each jail maintains its own securelevel in addition to the global securelevel. When evaluated, the higher of the two securelevels will be used. This allows the host environment to run at a lower securelevel than jails, so that it can manipulate file flags that the jails may not be able to.
当与FreeBSD jails一起使用时,除了全局安全级别外,每个jails还可以保持着自己的安全级别,评估后将使用其安全级别中较高者。这允许主机环境以低于jails的安全级别运行,因此可以处理jails可能无法处理的文件标志。
When compiled with options REGRESSION, a new sysctl is added to the FreeBSD kernel that allows the securelevel to be lowered for the purposes of automated regression testing.
Securelevel is not to be confused with runlevel.
On OpenBSD the securelevels are defined as follows|在OpenBSD上,安全级别的定义如下:
-1 (Permanently insecure mode) is functionally identical to securelevel 0 except the Kernel will never attempt to increase the level as it would in level 0. This effectively disables securelevel protections.
-1(永久不安全模式)在功能上与securelevel 0相同,只是内核永远不会像在level 0中那样尝试增加级别。这将有效禁用安全级别的保护。
0 (Insecure mode) all devices can be read or written to (if they have appropriate permissions) and system file flags can be cleared using chflags. This mode is typically used while the system is booting, and once boot is completed and system enters multi-user mode, it is elevated to level 1.
1 (Secure mode) this is the default mode when the system is booted into multi-user mode. In this mode the securelevel can not be lowered, the raw memory devices can not be written to, the raw devices of mounted file systems can not be written to, important kernel variables (such as fs.posix.setuid, hw.allowpowerdown, net.inet.ip.sourceroute, machdep.kbdreset, ddb.console, ddb.panic and machdep.allowaperture) are locked down and only GPIO pins that were present during boot may be accessed.
2 (Highly secure mode) has the same effects are securelevel 1, and in addition raw disk devices can not be written to even if unmounted, certain time related functions are locked down so the time cannot be set in the past (to help ensure the times of actions recorded in the logs are useful) and pf rules may not be altered. This mode is designed to provide some semblance of defence in the event that the root user account is compromised.
2(高度安全模式)具有与securelevel 1相同的效果,此外,即使未安装,也无法写入原始磁盘设备,某些与时间相关的功能被锁定,因此时间不能设置在过去(以帮助确保日志中记录的操作时间是有用的),并且pf规则可能不会更改。这种模式的目的是在根用户帐户被破坏时提供一些防御的假象。
继 Linux 之后,OpenBSD 也开始在苹果 M1 硬件上加载启动
OpenBSD 开发者 Mark Kettenis 于2021年2月在邮件列表 openbsd-arm 透露,有人向该团队捐赠了苹果 M1 硬件,使得他们有机会可以尝试在 M1 硬件上以原生模式启动载入 OpenBSD。目前6.9-beta 版已经可以在 M1 硬件上顺利加载,但 Mark Kettenis 表示仍有许多问题需要处理,因此近期内不会有太大进展。根据 Mark Kettenis 提供的启动信息可以得知,本次测试的机型是 M1 版 Mac Mini,而不是 Macbook Air 或 Macbook Pro。启动过程中可以识别出无线网卡 Broadcom BCM4378、有线网卡 Broadcom BCM57762、以及连接着的 USB 外设设备。此外还可以发现该机器以 UEFI 模式启动。
当安全性作为最重要的考虑因素时,有必要研究使用安全远程访问方面的标准 OpenSSH 的操作系统,尽管它只是 OpenBSD 中的一部分;事实上,OpenBSD 是如此的安全,以至于在 DEF CON 竞赛中曾一度禁止使用它,在这个竞赛中,破解高手们对所有其他的系统进行攻击。OpenBSD 每隔 6 个月发布一次,每次会有插图与配套歌曲。
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 是历史最悠久和最流行的 UNIX 版本之一。现在它被分为许多不同的版本,其中有三种比较常见的开放源代码分发版:
尽管 FreeBSD 在这三种发布版中使用得最广泛,但每个版本都有其显著的优势,这使得选择正确的解决方案成为一项重要的决策。FreeBSD 是三者中最常见的系统,广泛应用于 x86 环境。当安全性成为最重要的考虑因素时,OpenBSD 则是合适的分发版。NetBSD 提供了一种小规模的、高度可移植的选择,它可以运行于各种各样的体系结构中。
OpenBSD 审核处理
审核处理可能是该分发版中一致安全性的最大因素。一组有经验的开发人员重点对进入源代码树的每段代码进行了审核。分析代码中的安全缺陷和一般性错误(它们可能并不会影响到整体功能,但可能会作为安全缺陷而被利用),对每个错误进行认真和及时的处理。这种积极主动的处理方法使得 OpenBSD 免受各种未知攻击的影响,而其他的分发版则在发现攻击后紧急对系统进行保护。
在任何强调安全性的环境中,都可以安装OpenBSD。现在大家的安全意识越来越强,计算机需要全天候连接到 Internet 上,无论是在家庭、政府或企业环境中,很少有人把安全性问题不当回事。与其他的类 UNIX 操作系统相比,OpenBSD 可能并不拥有广泛的用户基础,但是在许多网络中的最关键的地方通常都安装了该操作系统。作为 NetBSD 的近亲,OpenBSD 也可以运行于各种各样的硬件之上。
既然已经确定了 OpenBSD 是否适合于您的硬件平台,下面来更仔细地了解一下它其中的一些重要部分。
第一个值得关注的包是 OpenSSH,所有的 UNIX 和 Linux® 用户对它都很熟悉。然而许多人可能并不知道它来自于哪里,OpenSSH 最初用于 OpenBSD,后来成为标准的安全 Shell (SSH) 包,并移植到几乎所有版本的 UNIX、Linux 和 Microsoft® Windows® 操作系统。OpenSSH 包括用于安全登录的 ssh、用于安全复制的 scp 和 sftp,后者是 ftp 的安全替代方法。所有的源代码都符合开放源代码 BSD 许可,必须遵守 OpenBSD 的规程以杜绝在该分发版中出现任何专用代码和限制性许可计划(这是创建新版本的 SSH 的原动力)。OpenBSD 中所包含的每个软件部分都是完全免费的,并且在使用上没有任何限制。
因为 OpenBSD 项目是在加拿大进行的,所以其中应用的加密技术不受美国的出口限制,这使得该分发版可以充分利用各种现代的加密算法。几乎可以在该操作系统的任何地方找到 加密处理,从文件传输到文件系统,乃至网络。OpenBSD 中还包含伪随机数生成器,它可以确保无法根据系统状态预测随机数;其他的特性还包括加密哈希函数、加密转换库和加密硬件支持。另一个主要的部分是 IP 安全协议 (IPSec),该操作系统中没有依赖先天不安全的 TCP/IP Version 4(IPv4),而使用了这个协议(IPv4 选择信任所有的人和所有的事物。)IPSec 对数据包进行加密和验证以保护数据的保密性,并确保在传输过程中不会对数据包进行任何更改。随着 TCP/IP Version 6 (IPv6) 的引入,IPSec 成为标准的 Internet 协议中不可或缺的部分,这使得未来的 Internet 在缺省情况下更加安全。
因为 OpenBSD 很小并且很安全,所以其所实现的最常见目标之一是用作防火墙。防火墙从底层对大多数安全单元进行操作,并且 OpenBSD 的包过滤实现是非常优秀的。Packet Filter (PF),OpenBSD 开发社区设计的开放源代码解决方案,它是 OpenBSD 所选择的方法。与 OpenBSD 软件的其他许多部分一样,这种方法非常成功,以至于其他的 BSD 变种纷纷将其移植到自己的分发版中。OpenBSD 配置为缺省安全,所以在设置坚如磐石的防火墙时,无需关闭过多的服务。当需要启用第二个 Ethernet 接口,并根据需要配置 PF。
大多数操作系统很少在其关键组成部分中包含加密处理,这使得它们先天就缺乏安全性。导致这种缺陷的一个重要原因是,大多数的操作系统来自美国,不允许开 发人员出口健壮的加密软件。OpenBSD 中的加密哈希库包括 MD5、SHA1 和 RIPEMD160。其中的加密转换库包括 Blowfish、数据加密标准 (DES)、3DES 和 Cast。大部分加密处理都在底层进行,这样一来,用户就不用为了保护系 统安全而必须成为加密方面的专家。OpenBSD 开发团队很清楚,大多数管理员并不是安全方面的专家,并且不应该指望他们煞费周折地加强他们的环境。那些认为 OpenBSD 不是用户友好的操作系统的人,大部分是受到了误导。如果大多数管理员愿意花时间使用 OpenBSD 的缺省安全措施来替代任何其他的分发版,那么他们很可能会改变其思维方式。
随机数是确保安全性的重要组成部分。OpenBSD 内核使用中断信息创建不断变化的熵池,它可以为加密函数提供种子数据,并为事务 ID 提供数值。例如,伪随机数可用于进程 ID 和包 ID,这使得那些想要进行攻击的人很难进行欺骗。OpenBSD 甚至在 bind(2) 系统调用中使用了随机端口分配。大多数源于 UNIX 的操作系统要么创建顺序的 ID,要么使用可预测其结果的简单算法。研发团队仍在进一步广泛地研究文件系统的加密,并且在系统中所有可能的地方都对数据进行了加密。将交换分区分为一些小的区域,每个部分使用单独的密钥进行加密,以便确保不会将敏感数据泄漏到系统中不安全的部分,这是传统的基于 UNIX 或 Linux 的系统中常见的问题。如果希望对用户数据进行加密,那么可以使用 OpenBSD 中的加密文件系统 (CFS)。CFS 工作于用户级,通过网络文件系统 (NFS) 与内核进行通信。该系统允许用户透明地访问经过加密的目录,所以可以选择要对哪些数据进行加密,而不用受加密/解密过程的困扰。
OpenSSH:自由的Secure Shell协议实现
tmux:自由、安全、可维护的GNU Screen终端复用器替代
有些子系统已被其他BSD项目纳入其核心中,并且上述所有软件都可在其它类Unix系统中作为软件包获得,甚至是Microsoft Windows。再来看看基本系统中的第三方组件的改造:带计划自己的补丁的X窗口环境,用x*.tgz安装文件集安装
GCC:4.2、3.3或2.95(取决于平台),GNU C编译器,作为comp54.tgz文件集的一部分安装
Less 444:带补丁
2015年9月9日,据 OpenBSD 开发者 Mike Larkin 透露, 他在过去的几个月里一直在致力于实现一个名为“vmm”的 OpenBSD 上的原生的 hypervisor。Larkin 称他采用了一种全新的方法来实现 这个 hypervisor,而不会把它做成现有的 hypervisor 的一份子(如 bhyve、KVM 等)。基于这样的指导思想,在 hypervisor 中加进了那些他觉得重要的功能特性,包括“支持i386、影子分页技术、嵌套虚拟环境技术以及支持遗留外围设备”。重要的一点是,不打算把这做成精简版的 hypervisor。
最初的客户端操作系统支持将包括那些支持基于 virtio 设备的操作系统。等 vmm 完全开发好了,届时 OpenBSD 将附带用于运行和支撑 vmm 的工具。Larkin 说,当前 vmm 运行的目标 CPU 是i386和 amd64。硬件虚拟化支持方面,Intel 系列的 CPU(VT-x)要求支持 vmx extensions,AMD 系列的 CPU 则要求支持 svm extensions。如果i386和amd64的CPU不支持上述extensions,将使用影子分页技术来达成虚拟化。Vmm目前由vmd(8)、vmmctl(8)和vmm(4)这三部分工具组成。尽管还没有给出正式的定义,但vmm在基于其他OpenBSD工具的基础之上,应将还会包含hypervisor自身的部分,而vmd会是它的支持虚拟光驱,vmmctl将被用来控制vmm的操作。
对于x86/x64平台而言,OpenBSD 不像 Virtual Box 或 VMware 那样具备托管虚拟机的原生能力。OpenBSD 通过 QEMU 提供虚拟化功能,从 OpenBSD 5.3开始,还提供了具有逻辑域管理功能的sun4v(基于UltraSPARC)系统(这些附加的方法能在那些支持在非OpenBSD操作系统上托管运行OpenBSD,且OpenBSD是以客户端操作系统的形式出现的情况下使用)。
欧盟研究推荐使用 OpenBSD 开源操作系统
OpenBSD 将版本开发进度融入歌曲并发布
操作系统 OpenBSD 的开发者除了听歌,还很会玩的每隔 6 个月(同步版本更新节奏)选出一首与软件匹配的歌曲,并作为“主题曲”进行公布。据悉 OpenBSD 的一些开发者会从古典选集、电影或其它地方精选一些音乐,以描述该项目在过去六个月中所经历的一些进步、事件或争议。随着 OpenBSD 6.1 的发布,新的音乐也已公布 —— “Winter of 95”,并大致讲述了背后的故事。
因安全担忧,OpenBSD 将禁用英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持
因担忧更多 Spectre 变种漏洞,OpenBSD 项目宣布它计划禁用英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持。超线程是同时多线程技术的英特尔私有实现,允许处理器在 CPU 的不同核心执行并发操作。英特尔处理器从 2002 年起加入了这项功能,并默认启用,芯片巨人称它能提升性能。但现在 OpenBSD 项目的 Mark Kettenis 表示该项目正移除英特尔 CPU 的超线程支持,理由是超线程技术对更多的时序攻击打开了大门。OpenBSD 将提供关闭超线程支持的设置,因为现代机器不再在 BIOS 设置中提供关闭超线程的选项。2018年8月23日,OpenBSD 创始人 Theo de Raadt 在邮件列表上宣布,OpenBSD-current(6.4) 将正式停用英特尔处理器的超线程功能。Theo de Raadt 称,英特尔处理器最近爆出了两个硬件 Bug:TLBleed 和 T1TF(aka Foreshadow),解决这些漏洞需要更新微码,外加软件方面的权益方案,以及关闭超线程。因在两个 CPU 实例之间共享资源和缺乏安全保障,超线程在基础上就存在缺陷。他预计未来会爆出更多与超线程相关的 Bug,所以他决定在 第6.4版本中默认停用超线程,并鼓励 6.2 和 6.3 的用户在机器的 BIOS 中关闭超线程。
OpenBSD 已经成为世界上最安全的 UNIX 派生系统,并且几乎实现了所有相关的内容。其中的一些设计原则,如代码审核、加密处理的广泛使用以及仔细的配置选择,它们组合在一起可以确保实现其缺省安全的思想。尽管其一般用于安全服务器和防火墙,但广泛的硬件和软件支持使得该操作系统适用于各种各样的目的。UNIX 和 Linux 专家都会发现对 OpenBSD 中的许多部分非常熟悉,并且他们很可能会重视其中一些有意偏离的领域。
OpenBSD Security
OpenBSD believes in strong security. Our aspiration is to be NUMBER ONE in the industry for security (if we are not already there). Our open software development model permits us to take a more uncompromising view towards increased security than most vendors are able to. We can make changes the vendors would not make. Also, since OpenBSD is exported with cryptography, we are able to take cryptographic approaches towards fixing security problems.
Full Disclosure|充分展示
Like many readers of the BUGTRAQ mailing list, we believe in full disclosure of security problems. In the operating system arena, we were probably the first to embrace the concept. Many vendors, even of free software, still try to hide issues from their users.
Security information moves very fast in cracker circles. On the other hand, our experience is that coding and releasing of proper security fixes typically requires about an hour of work — very fast fix turnaround is possible. Thus we think that full disclosure helps the people who really care about security.
Audit Process|审计过程
Our security auditing team typically has between six and twelve members who continue to search for and fix new security holes. We have been auditing since the summer of 1996. The process we follow to increase security is simply a comprehensive file-by-file analysis of every critical software component. We are not so much looking for security holes, as we are looking for basic software bugs, and if years later someone discovers the problem used to be a security issue, and we fixed it because it was just a bug, well, all the better. Flaws have been found in just about every area of the system. Entire new classes of security problems have been found during our audit, and often source code which had been audited earlier needs re-auditing with these new flaws in mind. Code often gets audited multiple times, and by multiple people with different auditing skills.
Some members of our security auditing team worked for Secure Networks, the company that made the industry's premier network security scanning software package Ballista (Secure Networks got purchased by Network Associates, Ballista got renamed to Cybercop Scanner, and well...) That company did a lot of security research, and thus fit in well with the OpenBSD stance. OpenBSD passed Ballista's tests with flying colours since day 1.
我们的安全审计团队的一些成员为安全网络公司工作,该公司制造了业界首屈一指的网络安全扫描软件包Ballista(安全网络由network Associates购买,Ballista更名为Cybercop Scanner,等等…),该公司做了大量的安全研究,因此很适合OpenBSD的状态。OpenBSD从第一天就通过了Ballista的测试。
Another facet of our security auditing process is its proactiveness. In most cases we have found that the determination of exploitability is not an issue. During our ongoing auditing process we find many bugs, and endeavor to fix them even though exploitability is not proven. We fix the bug, and we move on to find other bugs to fix. We have fixed many simple and obvious careless programming errors in code and only months later discovered that the problems were in fact exploitable. (Or, more likely someone on BUGTRAQ would report that other operating systems were vulnerable to a "newly discovered problem", and then it would be discovered that OpenBSD had been fixed in a previous release). In other cases we have been saved from full exploitability of complex step-by-step attacks because we had fixed one of the intermediate steps. An example of where we managed such a success is the lpd advisory that Secure Networks put out.
New Technologies|新技术
As we audit source code, we often invent new ways of solving problems. Sometimes these ideas have been used before in some random application written somewhere, but perhaps not taken to the degree that we do.
strlcpy() and strlcat()
Memory protection purify
.rodata segment
Guard pages
Randomized malloc()
Randomized mmap()
atexit() and stdio protection
Privilege separation
Privilege revocation
Chroot jailing
New uids
... and others
The Reward|激励
Our proactive auditing process has really paid off. Statements like "This problem was fixed in OpenBSD about 6 months ago" have become commonplace in security forums like BUGTRAQ.
The most intense part of our security auditing happened immediately before the OpenBSD 2.0 release and during the 2.0→2.1 transition, over the last third of 1996 and first half of 1997. Thousands (yes, thousands) of security issues were fixed rapidly over this year-long period; bugs like the standard buffer overflows, protocol implementation weaknesses, information gathering, and filesystem races. Hence most of the security problems that we encountered were fixed before our 2.1 release, and then a far smaller number needed fixing for our 2.2 release. We do not find as many problems anymore, it is simply a case of diminishing returns. Recently the security problems we find and fix tend to be significantly more obscure or complicated. Still we will persist for a number of reasons:
Occasionally we find a simple problem we missed earlier. Doh!
Security is like an arms race; the best attackers will continue to search for more complicated exploits, so we will too.
Finding and fixing subtle flaws in complicated software is a lot of fun.
The auditing process is not over yet, and as you can see we continue to find and fix new security flaws.
"Secure by Default"|默认情况下安全
To ensure that novice users of OpenBSD do not need to become security experts overnight (a viewpoint which other vendors seem to have), we ship the operating system in a Secure by Default mode. All non-essential services are disabled. As the user/administrator becomes more familiar with the system, he will discover that he has to enable daemons and other parts of the system. During the process of learning how to enable a new service, the novice is more likely to learn of security considerations.
This is in stark contrast to the increasing number of systems that ship with NFS, mountd, web servers, and various other services enabled by default, creating instantaneous security problems for their users within minutes after their first install.
And of course, since the OpenBSD project is based in Canada, it is possible for us to integrate cryptography. For more information, read the page outlining what we have done with cryptography.
Please refer to the links at the top of this page.
Watching our Changes|观察我们的变化
Since we take a proactive stance with security, we are continually finding and fixing new security problems. Not all of these problems get widely reported because (as stated earlier) many of them are not confirmed to be exploitable; many simple bugs we fix do turn out to have security consequences we could not predict. We do not have the time resources to make these changes available in the above format.
Thus there are usually minor security fixes in the current source code beyond the previous major OpenBSD release. We make a limited guarantee that these problems are of minimal impact and unproven exploitability. If we discover that a problem definitely matters for security, patches will show up here VERY quickly.
People who are really concerned with security can do a number of things:
If you understand security issues, watch our source-changes mailing list and keep an eye out for things which appear security related. Since exploitability is not proven for many of the fixes we make, do not expect the relevant commit message to say "SECURITY FIX!". If a problem is proven and serious, a patch will be available here very shortly after.
如果您了解安全问题,请查看我们的源代码更改邮件列表,并密切关注与安全相关的内容。由于我们所做的许多修复都没有证明可利用性,所以不要期望相关的提交消息显示出“SECURITY FIX!”。如果一个问题被证明是严重的,那么很快就会有补丁。
Track our current source code tree, and teach yourself how to do a complete system build from time to time (read /usr/src/Makefile carefully). Users can make the assumption that the current source tree always has stronger security than the previous release. However, building your own system from source code is not trivial; it is over 850MB of source code, and problems do occur as we transition between major releases.
Install a binary snapshot for your architecture, which are made available fairly often. For instance, an amd64 snapshot is typically made available daily.
Reporting problems|报告问题
If you find a new security problem, you can mail it to deraadt\
If you wish to PGP encode it (but please only do so if privacy is very urgent, since it is inconvenient) use this pgp key.
Further Reading|深入阅读
Numerous papers have been written by OpenBSD team members, many dedicated to security.
Securelevel is a security mechanism in *BSD kernels, which can optionally restrict certain capabilities. Securelevel is controlled by a sysctl variable kern.securelevel. This value is an integer, which set to a value > 0 enables certain class of restrictions. Any superuser process can raise securelevel, but only init process (and not even that on FreeBSD) can lower it.
When used with FreeBSD jails, each jail maintains its own securelevel in addition to the global securelevel. When evaluated, the higher of the two securelevels will be used. This allows the host environment to run at a lower securelevel than jails, so that it can manipulate file flags that the jails may not be able to.
当与FreeBSD jails一起使用时,除了全局安全级别外,每个jails还可以保持着自己的安全级别,评估后将使用其安全级别中较高者。这允许主机环境以低于jails的安全级别运行,因此可以处理jails可能无法处理的文件标志。
When compiled with options REGRESSION, a new sysctl is added to the FreeBSD kernel that allows the securelevel to be lowered for the purposes of automated regression testing.
Securelevel is not to be confused with runlevel.
On OpenBSD the securelevels are defined as follows|在OpenBSD上,安全级别的定义如下:
-1 (Permanently insecure mode) is functionally identical to securelevel 0 except the Kernel will never attempt to increase the level as it would in level 0. This effectively disables securelevel protections.
-1(永久不安全模式)在功能上与securelevel 0相同,只是内核永远不会像在level 0中那样尝试增加级别。这将有效禁用安全级别的保护。
0 (Insecure mode) all devices can be read or written to (if they have appropriate permissions) and system file flags can be cleared using chflags. This mode is typically used while the system is booting, and once boot is completed and system enters multi-user mode, it is elevated to level 1.
1 (Secure mode) this is the default mode when the system is booted into multi-user mode. In this mode the securelevel can not be lowered, the raw memory devices can not be written to, the raw devices of mounted file systems can not be written to, important kernel variables (such as fs.posix.setuid, hw.allowpowerdown, net.inet.ip.sourceroute, machdep.kbdreset, ddb.console, ddb.panic and machdep.allowaperture) are locked down and only GPIO pins that were present during boot may be accessed.
2 (Highly secure mode) has the same effects are securelevel 1, and in addition raw disk devices can not be written to even if unmounted, certain time related functions are locked down so the time cannot be set in the past (to help ensure the times of actions recorded in the logs are useful) and pf rules may not be altered. This mode is designed to provide some semblance of defence in the event that the root user account is compromised.
2(高度安全模式)具有与securelevel 1相同的效果,此外,即使未安装,也无法写入原始磁盘设备,某些与时间相关的功能被锁定,因此时间不能设置在过去(以帮助确保日志中记录的操作时间是有用的),并且pf规则可能不会更改。这种模式的目的是在根用户帐户被破坏时提供一些防御的假象。
继 Linux 之后,OpenBSD 也开始在苹果 M1 硬件上加载启动
OpenBSD 开发者 Mark Kettenis 于2021年2月在邮件列表 openbsd-arm 透露,有人向该团队捐赠了苹果 M1 硬件,使得他们有机会可以尝试在 M1 硬件上以原生模式启动载入 OpenBSD。目前6.9-beta 版已经可以在 M1 硬件上顺利加载,但 Mark Kettenis 表示仍有许多问题需要处理,因此近期内不会有太大进展。根据 Mark Kettenis 提供的启动信息可以得知,本次测试的机型是 M1 版 Mac Mini,而不是 Macbook Air 或 Macbook Pro。启动过程中可以识别出无线网卡 Broadcom BCM4378、有线网卡 Broadcom BCM57762、以及连接着的 USB 外设设备。此外还可以发现该机器以 UEFI 模式启动。
该文章最后由 阿炯 于 2023-04-16 20:21:12 更新,目前是第 2 版。