2014-03-12 10:24:50 阿炯


Gow - The lightweight alternative to Cygwin

Gow (Gnu On Windows) is the lightweight alternative to Cygwin. It uses a convenient NSIS installer that installs over 100 extremely useful open source UNIX applications compiled as native win32 binaries. It is designed to be as small as possible, about 18 MB, as opposed to Cygwin which can run well over 100 MB depending upon options.


Ultra light: Small, light subset (about 18 MB) of very useful UNIX binaries that do not have decent installers (until now!).
Shell window from any directory: Adds a Windows Explorer shell window (screenshot) so that you can right-click on any directory and open a command (cmd.exe) window from that directory.
Simple install/remove: Easy to install and remove, all files contained in a single directory in a standard C:\Program Files path.
Included in PATH: All binaries are conveniently installed into the Windows PATH so they are accessible from a command-line window.
Stable binaries: All commands are stable and tested.

Gow是Gnu On Windows的缩写,它跟传统的具有相同功能的Cygwin软件比起来的特点是体积小,Cygwin动辄能达到上百种,而它的体积不到10MB,但里面却集成了Liunx环境下130多种实用工具软件,其中包括:
Shell 环境:bash, zsh
压缩工具:gzip, zip, bzip2, compress
SSH软件:putty, psftp, pscp, pageant, plink
上传/下载软件:cURL, wget
文字搜索/查看工具::grep, agrep, less, cat, tail, head
文件系统操作命令:mv, cp, du, ls, pwd, rmdir, whereis
开发工具:make, diff, diff3, sleep, cvs, dos2unix, unix2dos

这个软件跟Cygwin比起来还有个特点,安装了它后,当你点击文件夹右键时,会看到右键菜单里多了一个快捷键,点击这个快捷键,你就会在当前 文件路径下打开一个命令行窗口(注意:是Windows的命令行窗口,不是Linux的shell窗口),在这个窗口里,你既可以使用DOS命令,也可以 使用Liunx命令,比如:你既可以输入“dir”命令来查看目录结构,也可以输入“ls” 命令查看,效果是一样的。(遗憾的是,ls命令好像是不能正常的显示中文)。

tail -n 100 my.log


此版本使Gow更容易更新;为 plink 添加了ssh.bat别名;修复了一个tar libiconv-2.dll问题;修复了版本名字问题;添加了Nano 2.3.1;更新PuTTY 到版本 0.63;重命名'sort.exe'为 'gsort.exe';添加了cURL 7.35.0和Vim 7.3_46。
