2011-01-17 14:51:16 阿炯

Foresight Linux是一份基于rPath Linux及其Conary包管理的发行,它体现了GNOME项目最新最好的技术。一些创新的内容被包含进来,诸如Beagle、Zeroconf、 Mono及最新的hal。它还包括了一些漂亮的、清爽的缺省主题和美工。

Foresight Linux is a desktop operating system featuring an intuitive user interface and a showcase of the latest desktop software, giving users convenient and enjoyable access to their music, photos, videos, documents, and Internet resources.

As a Linux distribution, Foresight sets itself apart by eliminating the need for the user to be familiar with Linux, combining a user-focused desktop environment on top of Conary. As the most technically innovative software management system available today, Conary ensures that users can efficiently search, install, and manage all the software on the Foresight system, including bringing in the latest features and fixes without waiting for a major release. Thanks to Conary, Foresight developers can provide those features and fixes through rolling releases, allowing updates to be pushed out as soon as they are available. The latest version of Foresight is 2.1.1 which contains an up to date snapshot of the Foresight repository.



该文章最后由 Administrator 于 2013-06-09 16:31:08 更新,目前是第 2 版。