AV Linux
2012-05-21 10:03:18 阿炯

AV Linux是多功能的、基于Debian的发行版本,其特色是大量收集了音频和视频创作软件。此外它还封装了一套良好定制的Liquorix内核,带有很多性能和调整方面的优化,以使运行效率最大化。可以直接从自启动运行DVD或USB存储设备引导,尽管它也能安装到硬盘上从而作为面向日常任务的通用操作系统使用。

AV Linux is a custom shop modded and rodded 32bit Linux based Operating System built from a hand-picked selection of available tools including Debian/GNU Linux, the LXDE Desktop Environment and Remastersys. AV Linux is first and foremost a well-rounded OS suited for most common daily computer tasks and runs on most PC's and Intel Macs. On top of this versatile base is a full complement of the best Linux Audio and Video creation software encompassing both open-source excellence and commercial demos.

AV Linux can be operated in a variety of ways including running from a LiveDVD, LiveUSB or installed to the Hard Drive either by itself or as a Dual-Boot with another Operating System. As an installed Operating System AV Linux differs from many other Desktop Linux Distributions in that it provides a complete, stable pre-tested and state-of-the-art user experience free from constant pestering for superfluous system updates. AV Linux employs an annual release schedule and a well-maintained packages archive to balance reliable performance and timely important individual program updates.

此版本包括重要的安全更新,强烈建议用户升级到最新版本,通过新的 live DVD 镜像升级。包括 diehard4 主题,完善之前的 AVLinux 蓝色主题。
