2013-07-09 21:50:27

File::Find::Rule - Alternative interface to File::Find,it allows you to build rules which specify the desired files and directories.

Matching Rules-匹配规则
Specifies names that should match. May be globs or regular expressions.

$set->name( '*.mp3', '*.ogg' ); # mp3s or oggs
$set->name( qr/\.(mp3|ogg)$/ ); # the same as a regex
$set->name( '' );        # just things named

-X tests-(文件测试操作)
Synonyms are provided for each of the -X tests. See "-X" in perlfunc for details. None of these methods take arguments.

stat tests-(文件属性判断)
The following stat based methods are provided: dev, ino, mode, nlink, uid, gid, rdev, size, atime, mtime, ctime, blksize, and blocks. See "stat" in perlfunc for details.

Each of these can take a number of targets, which will follow Number::Compare semantics.

$rule->size( 7 ); # exactly 7
$rule->size( ">7Ki" );  # larger than 7 * 1024 * 1024 bytes
$rule->size( ">=7" )->size( "<=90" );  # between 7 and 90, inclusive
$rule->size( 7, 9, 42 );  # 7, 9 or 42


Allows shortcircuiting boolean evaluation as an alternative to the default and-like nature of combined rules. any and or are interchangeable.

# find avis, movs, things over 200M and empty files
$rule->any( File::Find::Rule->name( '*.avi', '*.mov' ),
  File::Find::Rule->size( '>200M' ),


Negates a rule. (The inverse of any.) none and not are interchangeable.

# files that aren't 8.3 safe
$rule->file->not( $rule->new->name( qr/^[^.]{1,8}(\.[^.]{0,3})?$/ ) );

Traverse no further. This rule always matches.

Don't keep this file. This rule always matches.

exec(\&subroutine( $shortname, $path, $fullname) )-(对于文件执行相关函数代码并返回符合的规则)
Allows user-defined rules. Your subroutine will be invoked with $_ set to the current short name, and with parameters of the name, the path you're in, and the full relative filename.

Return a true value if your rule matched.

# get things with long names
$rules->exec( sub { length > 20 } );

Opens a file and tests it each line at a time.

For each line it evaluates each of the specifiers, stopping at the first successful match. A specifier may be a regular expression or a subroutine. The subroutine will be invoked with the same parameters as an ->exec subroutine.

It is possible to provide a set of negative specifiers by enclosing them in anonymous arrays. Should a negative specifier match the iteration is aborted and the clause is failed. For example:

$rule->grep( qr/^#!.*\bperl/, [ sub { 1 } ] );
Is a passing clause if the first line of a file looks like a perl shebang line.

Descend at most $level (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below the starting point.

May be invoked many times per rule, but only the most recent value is used.

Do not apply any tests at levels less than $level (a non-negative integer).

Specifies extra values to pass through to File::File::find as part of the options hash.

For example this allows you to specify following of symlinks like so:
my $rule = File::Find::Rule->extras({ follow => 1 });

May be invoked many times per rule, but only the most recent value is used.

Trim the leading portion of any path found

Negated version of the rule. An effective shortand related to ! in the procedural interface.

$foo->not( $foo->new->name('*.pl' ) );

Query Methods-查询方法

Evaluates the rule, returns a list of paths to matching files and directories.

Starts a find across the specified directories. Matching items may then be queried using "match". This allows you to use a rule as an iterator.

my $rule = File::Find::Rule->file->name("*.jpeg")->start( "/web" );
 while ( defined ( my $image = $rule->match ) ) {

Returns the next file which matches, false if there are no more.


my $directory='.';
my @subdirs = File::Find::Rule->directory->in($directory);
my @plfiles = File::Find::Rule->file()->name('*.pl')->in(@INC);
my $rule=File::Find::Rule->new;
my @files=$rule->in('.');

my $finder = File::Find::Rule->or(
 File::Find::Rule->name( '*.pl' ),
  sub {if (open my $fh, $_) {
  my $shebang = <$fh>;
  close $fh;
  return $shebang =~ /^#!.*\bperl/;
 return 0;

my $rule = File::Find::Rule->new;
