2012-11-10 14:07:08 阿炯

Qore 是一个模块化、支持多线程的、集成SQL、弱类型的面向过程和对象的脚本语言,语法简单易懂。

The Qore programming language is a powerful, thread-capable, embeddable, weakly-typed language with optional strong typing and procedural and object-oriented features designed for anything from quick scripting to complex multithreaded, network-aware application development to embedded application scripting. Qore was initially designed to facilitate the rapid implementation of sophisticated interfaces in embedded code in an enterprise environment, and has since grown into a general-purpose language as well.

Qore supports safe signal handling, exception handling and exception-safe programming, XML and JSON integration as well as TLS/SSL socket support, HTTP, XML-RPC, JSON-RPC communication, easy date arithmetic, strong encryption, and deadlock detection. It was designed for SMP scalability.

该版本修复了很多bug,增加的新特性包括:改进 HTTP 和 REST支持(包括 chunked 传输支持,新的客户端和服务器类用于支持 REST 数据流),改进对数据库支持等。
