2013-03-02 19:54:24 阿炯

execline 是一个非常轻量级的非交互的脚本语言,和 SHELL 类似,你可以使用 execline 来编写 SHELL,主要用于嵌入式系统,但也支持在多种 Linux/Unix 上运行。

execline is a (non-interactive) scripting language, like sh ; but its syntax is quite different from a traditional shell syntax. The execlineb program is meant to be used as an interpreter for a text file; the other commands are essentially useful inside an execlineb script.

execline is now as powerful as a shell: it features conditional loops, getopt-style option handling, filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax is far more logic and predictable than the shell's syntax, and has no security issues.

该版本修复了撇号处理的 bug,支持非 slashpackage安装。修复了 pipeline 工具的bug,该 bug 存在于命令行为空时的提醒。
