2010-12-29 16:29:15 阿炯

Euphoria 是一种简单,灵活,易于学习的编程语言。它可让您快速而方便地开发基于Windows、Linux和FreeBSD的应用。

Euphoria is a simple, flexible, and easy-to-learn programming language. It lets you quickly and easily develop programs for Windows, DOS, Linux and FreeBSD. Euphoria was first released in 1993. Since then Rapid Deployment Software has been steadily improving it with the help of a growing number of enthusiastic users. Although Euphoria provides subscript checking, uninitialized variable checking and numerous other run-time checks, it is extremely fast. People use it to develop Windows GUI programs, high-speed DOS games, and Linux/FreeBSD X Windows programs. It is also very useful for CGI (Web-based) programming.

